Thank you all for the great words of encouragement you have all sent to me. Now all I can do is sit and wait ! It's frustrating as from a state of "How am I going to finish all of this in time" panic, now I have nothing to do but wait. The mind and [...]
Category: Golden Age Diary
Temp Score and Real score
I am going through the last minute pains of Golden Age. As we edit the film we add what we call temp score to the edit - to impress people as the see the film in various stages of the edit. This this score is stolen from all over the place. Other movies mainly, but [...]
The Great Storm
When Phillip of Spain launched the Armada to invade England, it was one of the greatest fleets ever launched in an invasion. Even though the fleet was ill prepared (more about that later), combined with the forces of the Duke of Parma, the English Navy did not have enough defences to stop it. But for [...]
Golden Age, the second in a trilogy
Elizabeth was about Power. Survival in the context of Power. Love and Betrayal in the context of Power. And the trade off between the ruthlessness that is essential to gaining Power, against innocence, love, trust and joyfulness. Golden Age, on the other hand is about Immortality. It is about absolute Power and the aspiring to [...]
The Golden Age Trailer
watch it now For those of you who would like to see an extra large version of the trailer, check it out at working title films website.
Test Scores
Studio's these days will test films with audiences to judge their reactiosn. At the end of the movie the audiences are asked to rate aspects of the film via a very thorough and a very comprehensive questionaire. An analysis of which reveals a lot about how the film is percieved. By male or female audiences. [...]
Letting go !
Barring the final mix. Where all the elements of sound (effects, foley,music and dialogue tracks) are mixed together to give us the final sound in the theatre. And Barring what we call the DI, where the all the colours and the intensity of the film is 'harmonized' or even 'deharmonized ' for a particular emotion [...]
I hate Video monitors
Kedar asked me if I encourage my actors to look at Video monitors. Actually I really hate video monitos, and if the producers did not insist, I would never have them on my set. . I never watch them personally and believe that it is waste f time for the actors to watch them. The [...]
working stills
For those that wld like to see some working stills from the film, please visit shekhar
From Jordi Molla
Jordi plays King Phillip of Spain in Golden Age. Jordi is one of the foremost actor's in Spain. But this was a special relationship where the lines between actor and director blurred. So I asked Jordi to write something on his experience. Read on : " "Fascination by what is uncontrollable. Images. The testament of [...]