if you do not feel sorrow you are not human, if you don't deny sorrow and welcome it you have understood what it is to be human, if you let sorrow so completely engulf you, like a monsoon rain, drench you completely, right to your soul then, when the sun comes out, and you dry [...]
Category: The search for the self
The Spinning Coin
spin a coin and make every decision. heads I do, and tails I do not, hold the coin and let destiny decide but did the coin really stop spinning ? a trillion, trillion coins spinning while I ponder has the decision already made itself ? while my mind pondered
Sex and the Guru
With the internet raging with people wanting to search for sex video's of the hapless Swami Nityananda having sex with a famous Tamil actress, you have to ask what this is all about ? While people express outrage all over India through acts of violence against him and his property, others desperately want to voyeur [...]
Shiva’s Night
where is my place in this night of your sky existing as I am in my own head ? if you are the God of all that is, and is not can you not embrace me in your folds of darkness existing as I am in my own head ?
Haiti – whats life worth ?
When there is a calamity of such huge proportions, you wonder this. What's life worth ? As with the Tsunami in South Asia, the Earth Quake in China and then in Pakistan. Whole ideas of of religious morality come into question. The equation between Sin and suffering, between Karmic action and Consequence. What Sin did [...]
Happy New Year, Eternally and Momentarily
what do we search for when all existence is here ? in the snowflake that melts before you catch it ? in the dust particle of the first ray of light which disappears the moment you try and isolate it ? in your own shadow, that changes the moment you turn around to look at [...]
Is Wisdom eternal ?
For me no, it's a daily battle. One cannot assume one has it and stay with it. The battle between the Ego and compassion is an ongoing, almost daily one. For there is no better way to describe Wisdom but the ability to live, exist and act in a compassionate way. That was my thought [...]
raging mixed feelings, giving in to the schizophrenia of the contradictions of existence, of reality, desire, fulfilment and non fulfillment, of confusion, desperation, and joy, give into all intellectual and emotional sensation and then try like hell not to drown those desperate strokes of survival sometimes - and then only sometimes have a pattern which, [...]
‘Mental illness” and Conciousness : a personal study
This is a letter from Hugh, please read when you have time : My short answer to your question about consciousness: Listening to various visionaries and business executives talk about technology and the Internet a few weeks ago reminded me of my earlier – and very different – trip to India when I was looking [...]
how do you define an event ?
how do you define an event ? after the moment in which it seemed to have an existence ? for beyond that it exists only in the imperfect ego as shards of memory prejudiced by the ego's need to quantify, define and moralize did it ever occur ? for it to occur all of time [...]