The Demolisher of Imbalances

Our President Abdul Kalam Azad has got it absolutely right. Get every Indian Broadband Connected and we will then rise as one people to become the leading knowledge and hopefully 'wisdom' powers in the world. It is something I have been pushing for a long time. Put Broadband connectivity as priority infrastructure in our economic [...]

Passion and Practicality

For me, and I guess for many others, life is a constant battle between following your passion and being practical. I fought 'Practicality' a long time ago, and followed my passions, but never quite completely, for...... ...the world will not completely allow it. More than that, your education, the way you were brought up, other's [...]

A Symphony of Stillness

Recently I met with David Adjeye, one of the world's most exciting new architects. Google him to see some of his work. Anyway we got along so well, that we decided to design and create something together. A place called " A Symphony of Stillness".... I have this strong desire to create a space where [...]

The Indian Budget

This budget is a good long term look at our economy from Mr Chidambaram. Recognizing that the the Indian Industrial and Service economy is rolling along, he has wisely left it well alone. I am sure he is thinking ' let's see how it goes for the next year and then we can do some [...]

After Da Vinci Code …..

Titanic director James Cameron and Simcha Jacobovici of Exodus fame have produced a documentary which they claim is about to rock the very foundation of Christianity. Cameron claims the coffins of Jesus Christ and his family have been found at a burial cave in a suburb of Jerusalem, adding that the discovery means Jesus did [...]