great new year

I hope all of you have a great new year, where the mind and soul feels fresh like a child's. Unburdened by past memories, but enriched by the wisdom of experiences of the year(s) gone by. Where each dawn is like a new birth, each touch unlike one before, each sunset a moment of deep [...]

Benazir’s killing and Al Quaeda

Who killed Benazir ? Suicide bombings were unheard of in Pakistan before 9/11. And before the US ordered Musharraf to send his army against his own people in Pakistan's western regions to flush out the Taliban. Why ? The supposed reason was to look for Osama Bin Laden. But that was EIGHT years ago, and [...]


jumble, like a jigsaw pieces of myself scattered, putting them together searching for lost ones, one piece that is missing, that makes sense of the rest is you

Benazir Bhutto

Benazir has been assasinated. Tragedy not only for democracy. For Benazir's family. But a great tragedy for Pakistan. Lets pray that Pakistan can hold itself together and not break out in civil war. Will they still hold electons still ? Can Pakistan survive this ? Is Pakistan being turned into another Afganistan. Will we ultimately [...]


I don't get the Indian Media. Till the recent election all I read was Narendra Modi was an arch villian. A man responsible for using caste politics for his own power, turning a blind eye to the loss of Muslim lives, perhaps even abetting it. Now he is being potrayed as a Hero. Someone that [...]

The Art of Nautanki and Hindi films

Yes, the ART of Nautanki. This much abused word is actually a folk art form that has been prevalent in our culture for over a thousand years. And in most other cultures in Asia. A folk art form of the theatre. Usually performed by traveling troupes of actors, it comprised the telling of stories using [...]