Have set up this blog as a discussion piece for participants who had many questions but there was no time to take them up.
Author: Nirav
The Incredible new Ipad – Steve Jobs dreams of world domination
So tell me Mr Jobs - why did you make me spend $ 2000 on a upscale Macbook Pro just two weeks ago ? I am stupid I guess. I should have waited for the Ipad. Been looking at live feeds of Steve Job's launch of the new Apple tablet - the Ipad. It is [...]
What is the World Economic Forum at Davos about ?
As the most important annual networking weekend between business, economic policy makers, bankers and politics ? Yes, Davos is unbeatable. But to be touted as the place where people get together to solve the economic problems of the World is a little silly. Most of the people attending caused the ecomonic problems of the world. [...]
Happy Republic Day for India the Idea.
Sitting at Narita Airport in Tokyo. Thinking about my country and my people. The people of India. It's Republic Day today in India. The people of India ? Is there another country on this planet with people as diverse as ours ? And while we constantly speak and complain about differences and conflicts, today must [...]
Heath Ledger, have two years passed ?
It's 5.20 am and am struggling to sleep in my hotel room in San Hose. Jet lag ? No, something else is nagging me - and then it comes like a bolt, a sudden sharp, almost physical feeling of sadness. It Heath's 2nd Anniversary of his passing. For those that know this blog, will know [...]
At Isha with Sadhguru
Interviewing Sadhguru on the meaning of God, Love, Shiva and relationships. You should be able to see the interviews on Youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7uZQZOvCG0
Haiti – whats life worth ?
When there is a calamity of such huge proportions, you wonder this. What's life worth ? As with the Tsunami in South Asia, the Earth Quake in China and then in Pakistan. Whole ideas of of religious morality come into question. The equation between Sin and suffering, between Karmic action and Consequence. What Sin did [...]
View from my hotel in Innsbruck
For the Fans of Masoom (and others)
Remember Mini ? The little girl from Masoom ? Well she is a grown up mother of two and teaches music. Hers is one of the most beautiful New Year letters I got this year and am going to share : Dear Uncle, Wishing you and your loved ones a very Happy New Year! I'm [...]