For who ? For ourselves. Did we do something, some ritual that affirmed our faith today ? In what ? In ourselves. Our ability to connect with our inner selves. For if we do not, who is this person that is working, loving, talking etc. It’s certainly not you.
It’s an everyday search for me. For that something that can put me in touch with myself. My connection to consciousness. My connection to loving nature.
Of course many people have faith. Which is a wonderful ability. I don’t have blind faith. I am more of a searcher. Questioner. Good, bad ? I don’t know. No value judgements on any faith or the question of faith. Or on myself.
Some people do it with meditation first thing in the morning. I have never been able to do that. I have to connect to something, however small, however little, to loose my sense of individuality. That’s the daily struggle. Against my own exaggarated sense of myself. I am so used to it. I have relied on it for so many years. So tough to let go now. Not that I have never questioned it before. But now, it is really important for me to be truly ‘active’ rather than ‘reactive’, which is what I have done most of my life. And how do I know what that ‘true’ action is ? Unless I am constantly in touch with something larger, more immense, more universal than myself ?
Yes I know. By letting go. By allowing yourself not to be addicted to the result of your action. By allowing chaos to invade your life. Yes, I agree. All of that. I do allow chaos to prevade in my life. I am impeteous (spelling). But then the individual in me fights back hard.
It’s an everyday battle. This battle to let go of one’s addiction to one’s sense of individuality.
Yet, the smallest of things can provoke the sensing of my flowing into something much much larger. Something infinite.
This morning it was my 5 year old daughter waking me up with a loud ‘Peekaboo’ and the tinkling of an early morning laugh.
Sometimes it;s just getting up early enough to watch the first shades of dark blue brush across the sky. Something deeply stirring about that.
Sometimes it’s unexpected gestures of affection that were not sought. Or given so instinctually that you were not aware of them.
Sometimes, it’s writing a poem. But only if the words are coming from somewhere else. As if something is flowing through you, a river of emotion you can physically feel that flows through your being.
But it is always so unexpected. So much that I am constantly aware now. My senses hightened. Waiting for that unexpected moment.
When something deeper will reach out and engulf me, and give my life, and all my actions, however small, a deeper and all encompassing context. On a daily basis.
So say a prayer for me. And for yourself.
Aum~~~Dalai Lama~~~Aum
To arrive at certainty, you need to start from a skeptical posture. The best scientists are impartial, not swayed by their own beliefs.
~Dalai Lama
Aum ~~~ Mary~~~Aum
Aum ~~~ Niko~~~ Aum
Aum ~~~June 1 – June 15 ~~~ Aum
The month of The Sphinx also brings a Solar and a Lunar Eclipse.
A partial New Moon Solar Eclipse will take place on June 1 at Gemini 12 degrees;
two weeks later a total Full Moon Lunar Eclipse will take place on June 15 at Sagittarius 25 degrees.
Eclipses represent a time of intense change on planet Earth – something is dying while something else is being birthed. The time between the two eclipses is particularly important, for this is when we are in the birth canal, caught between the passing of the old and the birth of the new.
It is important to note that the stations of Neptune and Saturn take place within the two week period between the two eclipses (Neptune on June 3; Saturn on June 12).
The flood of energy – both within us individually as well as in the external world – is not likely to subside during this period but rather to hold constant.
The waters continue to dissolve away the old forms and, for awhile, this dissolution becomes the constant form. We are in a time of letting go – we have no choice but to stand in the void and trust that the new form will manifest in due course
~Ruby Falconer
Your participation in the evolution of our species will be achieved through the work you do with your own Soul.
Humanity could be just one conversation from paradise. That conversation begins with a talk that you have with yourself. It involves you questioning the prior assumption–about yourself, about who you are and why you are here.
Now for some of you this idea of “working with your soul” may feel like a new concept. “How do you work with your soul?”, you may ask. It’s a fair question. No one teaches this stuff in high school. Very little is written about it. Churches don’t even get very deeply into it.
As I have already done some of this work, I can tell you that it is the most exciting work you could ever imagine; the most fulfilling work in which you could ever engage; the most powerful work you could ever do. It is powerful enough to shift the reality of your person–and of a planet.
In your conversation with your Soul you will ask the Four Fundamental Questions of Life: Who am I? Where am I? Why am I where I am? What do I intend to do about that? And when you finish asking yourself these questions (and answering them), I will invite you to ask them of others. Indeed, I am inviting all of humanity to ask these questions of all of humanity.
I am inviting people everywhere to start a conversation with other people everywhere, asking the same questions they are asking themselves. I want to encourage people to engage other people at the same level at which they engage their own Soul. Because when they engage other people at this level, they will experience that they are engaging their own Soul. For this is the level at which we all experience that We are all One.
When we speak to each other from that place of Oneness, we take a huge step in our evolution. So let us talk with one another. Let us have a conversation with humanity. Let us lead each other back home, by reminding each other of who we really are — in the aggregate, and in our individual expression.
Love and Hugs,
Neale D.W.
“Do or do not… there is no try.”
“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”
“War does not make one great.”
“Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. Mourn them do not. Miss them do not. Attachment leads to jealously. The shadow of greed, that is.”
“That is why you fail. (in response to Luke saying, “I don’t believe it.”).”
“Powerful you have become, the dark side I sense in you.”
“If so powerful you are, why leave?”
“Clear, your mind must be if you are to discover the real villains behind the plot.”
“Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.”
“You must feel the Force around you. Here, between you, me, the tree, the rock… everywhere! Even between the land and the ship.”
“To the Force, look for guidance. Accept what fate has placed before us.”
“May the Force be with you.”
Yoda is a master in the Star Wars universe
every moment of creativity is moment of rebellion, insanity, humility, fearlessness n yearning before sanity n discipline return
Dear Joe…Oneness does not mean Sameness.
Oneness means that we are all united as part of the same basic
Thing That Is. Is your hand One with your foot?
Of course it is, for it is part of the Same Body.
Is your ring finger One with your thumb, even though it is different,
with different characteristics, different appearances, etc? Of course it is,
because they are both part of the same hand.
Individuality and Connectivity are not mutually exclusive, Joe.
You are not only One with other people, Joe, you are One with Everything.
The trees, the sky, every bird you see fly; the earth, the sun, and yes, everyone.
Your connection with Divine Life is Divine Life Itself, being lived out through you.
If you ever want to experience your Oneness with another,
simply look into their eyes. Not for a tiny glance, but for 60 seconds.
Do not look away. Do not touch the other person, or speak a single word.
Simply look into their eyes, and do not look away.
You will experience Oneness so searing that you may not even be able to hold the stare.
In that moment you will understand how you can have your own
background, traits, problems, etc., and still be One with another.
Sending love…Neale D.W.
By extending our ordinary feelings of love and concern beyond their usual biased limits, love is freed from the restrictions of attachment…Dalai Lama
…to all who are in need…aum
~~~star wars concept of the force~~~
Aum…to a culture of musicians around the world who play for peace and harmony…aum
~~~fullmoon eclipse~~~
Notes From Neale
Hello, Everyone…
You must never give up.
No matter how hopeless it might seem, you must never give up Love’s Dream.
And no, it is not required that living The Dream must hurt. If it hurts, you are not living The Dream, you are living a nightmare and calling it a dream, hoping that it will become one.
Stop it. Stop the struggling. The Dream has no struggle in it. If you are struggling, you are not living The Dream.
Now “struggle” does not mean the small discomforts or the once-in-a-while feelings of not-okayness that are encountered by any two people who have chosen to be together intimately. It does not mean the little differences that from time to time have to be worked out. “Struggle” means just that: struggle. Ongoing difficulty. Frequent and recurring and serious discord, disharmony, disagreement.
“Struggle” means that things that ought to be simple become complex, moments which could easily be serene erupt into turmoil. Nervousness replaces excitement, sadness replaces bliss, walking on eggshells replaces walking on clouds.
You are struggling in your relationship when wariness overcomes eagerness, when pain pushes happiness out of the room…and when this happens often. Not once in a while. Not now and then. Often.
One can’t ever fully relax anymore. Just when it seems like, well, this isn’t so bad, I can make this work…boom…the door slams, the bomb drops, the sweetness crashes and reveals itself to be not the stuff of sturdiness that can be counted on, but an oh-so-fragile thing that cannot withstand even the gentle touch of intimacy.
I am asked, more than any other single question about relationship: When is it time to leave? When is it time to quit?
I am asked: How do I know I am not supposed to be here, learning something? How do I know that this is not all for my own good, my own evolution? How do I know that I am not just “giving up” — again…?
I am asked: What does it take to make “love” work? And I answer, “Love should not be work. Love should be play. It should feel playful and joyful, not stressful.”
The intimate relationships in many people’s lives have not been long lasting. Happily Ever After has not been a universal (or even a common) experience. Indeed, it must sometimes seem to many that there is just no way to do this thing called Relationship and do it well.
People look in the mirror and ask, “Is it only me who has not been given the necessary equipment? It is only me who lacks sufficient understanding? It is only me who falls short on willingness or commitment or determination or skill or patience or selflessness or whatever-in-the-world-it-takes to make Happily Ever After work?”
Or is it that human beings are simply chasing an impossible dream? Is The Dream of real and lasting and wonderfully joyful love nothing but a fantasy that can never be fulfilled?
No. I don’t believe that. And I believe that people who have tried and tried and failed have, at least, the opportunity to learn from their experience. There is no such thing as a lost cause. Love’s Dream can be lived. That is God’s promise.
There are couples who have lived it, who have made it to the Promised Land. Some found each other early in life, some found each other later, after much trial and error with others. All has not been perfect on their journey, all has not been smiles and laughter in every moment. But much of it has been. And all of it has been worth it. Every minute has been worth it.
There are those who say you have to “work” at relationship. Anything worth having is worth working for, the mantra goes. Okay. Fair enough. But this should be the kind of “work” that feels soooo good to do. Like Barbra Streisand singing. Like Richard Gere dancing. Like Nancy Kerrigan on ice. Like Anna Pavlova and Vaslav Nijinsky and Mikhail Baryshnikov in ballet shoes. Like Warren Spahn throwing a baseball. Yes, there’s work involved…but oh, the joy of it, the sheer joy of it!
Yes, love — real love, true love, lasting love — may be “work,” but it should be a work of art. It should be something you love to do. A wise person once said, “May you always love the loving you are doing.”
Look at your relationship right now. Are you loving the loving you are doing?
If you love the loving you are doing, it is not “work” in the sense of being a struggle. It is a joy. Working to create something is very much different from working to hold something together. Everyone who has done both knows the difference. You can feel the difference, and no one has to tell you what is going on.
It has to do with effort and ease.
You know if, in your relationship, you are at a place of effort or if you are at ease.
Barbra Streisand sings effortlessly. The breathless grace of Nancy Kerrigan is effortless. That is precisely what makes it breathless grace. This is not to say that no “work” went into it. Surely it did. But joy came out of it. Work went in, and joy came out. When work goes in and joy does not come out, then “work” has become “effort.”
This is the state of many relationships.
When is enough enough?
That question cannot be answered by anyone other than the person asking it. But the question rarely goes without answer. The issue is not whether the person asking the question KNOWS the answer, but whether the person HEEDS it.
Love and Hugs
…for some, it isn’t effortless to …breathe…aum shanti to those in need…
Shamanic Egyptian Astrology
Ruby Falconer
Eclipses describe a time when something is ending and something new is beginning. The time between the eclipses is like a tunnel between two realities. At the first solar eclipse on June 1 we were given the opportunity to consciously recognize something that needs to be transformed. We took this awareness into the underworld during the lunar eclipse, and now – with the July 1 New Moon Solar Eclipse – we bring this transformed piece back into the world.
The lunar eclipse on June 15 took place very close to Galactic Center. As we have taken that which needs to be released into our personal underworld, we have also given it to the deep black hole that is at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy. What we bring back into conscious awareness comes to us from the great dark void that exists simultaneously both within us and also at the center of our galactic home.
Throughout the month of July and on into September, Wadjet (Uranus) and Osiris (Pluto) will be in a challenging relationship (a square) to one another. Wadjet is the great cobra goddess who shatters all that blocks the creative life force process. Osiris is the eternal symbol of death and re-birth. He is both the Dying King and the Green Man, containing within his archetypal symbolism the ever constant movement from birth to death and back again to birth. These two, along with the Old King Sobek (Saturn) – who wishes to hold all things constant, even that which needs to die – create the container for this fertile time.
From June 26 through July 2, AmunRa, our Sun Star, will move through a challenging relationship to Wadjet, Osiris and Sobek. Wadjet is stationary this month, making her affect is particularly strong. Uranus, the planet she is aligned with, will turn retrograde on July 9 in the emanation of Kephera (Aries). Powerful forces for change are at work. All are invited to reflect on that which both within ourselves as well as in the collective psyche has been released into the void and welcome its return – rearranged, reassembled and reborn into a new form.
~~~Aaravinda Raphael Dev~~~
for your Grade 6 Graduation and
“Principal Award” for Leadership
IFFA…Bollywood Awards in Toronto, Canada…
5 generations of Kapoor’s too…aum
A Message from David – Upcoming Surgery
Dear friends,
As the saga of my life continues, I wanted to let you know that I will be undergoing a second surgery this Wednesday to hopefully improve the quantity and quality of my life. My physicians are optimistic that this process will be helpful to me, my mind, and my body, and I’m actually looking forward to benefiting from this next step in my treatment. If you are so inclined, please send your love and best wishes.
As always, I enjoy your messages, funny stories, and jokes, which you can continue to share here on this blog.
With love and appreciation,
Chopra Center
The right way to worship God
Notes From Neale
Hello, Everyone…
I am excited this week to share with you a wonderful excerpt from The New Revelations that I happened upon the other day as I was re-reading this extraordinary text. This passage answers a question that I am asked all the time, and I just knew as soon as I chanced upon it that I wanted to put it in this space, so that you could be touched by it!
Here it is…enjoy!
I have to admit that I always did find it hard to believe God would tell people they may not intermarry, or that women must not allow any portion of their body to be seen in public, or that couples may not use contraceptives, or that men must wear beards.
I never did understand why God felt he had to give human beings so many orders.
I don’t. I don’t have to give orders to anyone, and I’ve never done so.
No. And I never will.
You never will? You mean that we will never know what God really wants?
Why? Why would you do this to us?
Do what to you?
Why would you tell us to follow God’s law, to obey your wishes, and then not tell us what you really want?
Because there is nothing that I do want. And this is what you cannot understand or refuse to accept.
There is nothing that God wants or needs.
God demands nothing, commands nothing, requires nothing, compels nothing. Teach this in your seminaries and your madrasas.
God neither orders nor requests, insists nor expects, anything. Tell this to your young.
I am the Author of Everything. I am the Creator and the Created. There is nothing that is that I am not. I have no need to give orders to anyone.
To whom would I give orders? There is no one to command but me. I am the All In All. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. And whom would I punish were my orders not kept? Would I use my right hand to slap my left? Would I bite my nose to spite my face?
Your teachers and your doctors of law, your priests and your ulamas, tell you that God is to be feared, for He is a vengeful God. You are to live in fear of God’s wrath, they say. You are to tremble in His presence. Your whole life you are to fear the terrible judgment of the Lord. For God is “just,” you are told. And God knows, you will be in trouble when you confront the terrible justice of the Lord. You are, therefore, to be obedient to God’s commands. Or else.
Most of you, therefore, spend much of your adult lives searching for the “right way” to worship God, to obey God, to serve God. The irony of all this is that I do not want your worship, I do not need your obedience, and it is not necessary to serve me.
These behaviors are the behaviors historically demanded of their subjects by monarchs–egomaniacal, insecure, tyrannical monarchs at that. They are not Godly demands in any sense, and it seems remarkable that the world hasn’t by now concluded that the demands are counterfeit, having nothing to do with the needs of Deity.
Deity has no needs. All That Is is exactly that: all that is. It therefore wants, or lacks, nothing–by definition.
If you choose to believe in a God who somehow needs something–and has such hurt feelings if He doesn’t get it that He punishes those from whom He expected to receive it–then you choose to believe in a God much smaller than I. You truly are Children of a Lesser God.
No, my children, please let me assure you again, through this present writing, as I have done in writings past, that I am without needs. I require nothing.
Then you haven’t given us “orders”?
No. It was human beings who felt they had to give human beings orders, in order to keep order. And the best way they knew how to get people to follow orders was to say that they came directly from God.
There were also those who sincerely believed that they were receiving directives from God about how life should be lived, and what they said that they received was passed on by others in good faith. Yet this does not mean that what was passed on was always accurate, nor does it mean that the person who claims to have been the original recipient of these revelations was infallible.
Any more than this book is infallible.
That is correct. That is exactly right. Any claim of infallibility for this book would be inaccurate.
It would be inaccurate to say that this book is accurate.
So this book is accurate when it says that it is inaccurate.
That’s clever, and that’s another yes.
So if it’s inaccurate, why should I believe it?
You should not believe it. You should apply it and see what works.
Incidentally, put every other writing that claims to be a communication from God to the same test.
Wow, I love that passage. I hope that you will copy it and paste it up on your refrigerator, clip it and send it to friends, post it on Facebook, get it out there for all the world to see!
Love and Hugs
Just as every flower has a unique color but is an expression of the one light we have our unique life but are expressions of the one spirit
~Deepak Chopra
…for all those who leave behind their impermanent bodies and move ahead with love and devotion…aum shanti shanti shanti…aum
The Temple
I often sit in the temple across the street from my house in Mumbai. Not to pray, but just to bathe myself in the vibrations of all those that do, all those lucky ones that so easily believe in the divine power of faith …
I usually have a space in a back corner on the floor of the temple, a little hidden from sight, where I can be the observer rather than the observed. A lot of young actors frequent the temple asking for divine interventions in their careers. Imagine their surprise when they turn around and see one of India’s recognizable directors crouched in a corner. They may read too much into divine intervention !
This day someone had taken my place. A nice looking young man, his mouth whispering a silent prayer, eyes closed. He had a cloth laid across his lap as if he planned to be in meditation for a long time. I just quitely crouched on the floor next to him. A little irritated at having my secluded corner usurped.
His whispering stopped. I turned and he was staring at me. I suddenly noticed his nice looks and extremely wide broad shoulders. An actor I thought. For they spend half their lives in the Gym.
But he sounded more humble and had no self consciousness. He asked me why I had forsaken my fans in India and gone to the West. He spoke intelligently about my films and about cinema in general. He even extracted a promise from me to make my next film in India and in Hindi.
What did he do ? He was an assistant accountant in a small firm in Mumbai by day and was studying computers by night. He had come from a village from northern India and was sending home money monthly to support his parents, who were now too old to work in the fields. Saving money to do that meant certain sacrifices.
like walking to the temple every morning from his shared shelter in a slum 2 miles away. To save bus fare. And then to work.
He suddenly smiled, put a hand out to touch my feet, and said goodbye. As he removed his cloth from his lap and moved away from me, I realized why this young man had such strong shoulders,
He had no legs. They were just small shrivelled useless bone and skin tucked permanently under is upper body. He moved by pushing himself along his haunches.
Two miles everyday to say a prayer.
Aum… to the world of changes and our abilities to adapt, evolve and flow with what is…Aum
Weekly Forecast for Humanity’s Awakening
Transforming Your Life into Who Your Heart Knows You to Be
The Sun, a symbol of our Unique Wondrous Eternal Spirits, is moving into a position in the zodiac where it makes a great geometric square-like shape in the Sky with Saturn, Pluto, and Uranus.
It is a Diamond Floating in the Above, a time for personal and collective realization and shifting.
What does this signal and mean? Just as I was pondering what to write in this forecast, an elegant black and yellow Butterfly floated in through the open front door of my home here in Santa Fe.
It fluttered about and settled on a window high above my reach in the kitchen. In response to its gentle and unexpected entry, my first thoughts were concerned with how I may tenderly help it on its way back out the door again, back into the garden of life-giving flowers where it could dance in the light of the Sun and feast among the nectars of the plants. As I quietly watched, it slowly opened and closed its delicate wings, and a feeling came to heart – it had come with a purpose. As I tuned in further to its presence, I understood that it had journeyed into the casita in order to speak about this time in Humanity’s transformation.
Spirits and Nature Beings convey information intelligently through non-linear and symbolic means. They emanate this knowledge from their own Essences through an internal radar-like broadcast of subtle energy. We can pick up the extrasensory communication with our own internal subtle or Spirit senses, which translate the information into something understandable to us. This is the old ancient way of interacting intimately with these amazing beings of Nature and the unseen worlds. We did this as young children, but we often forget that we did.
The Butterfly talks of our personal transformation, where we no longer need to constrict ourselves in our old suffocating cocoons of habit. In the wake of the summer solstice, we are being reminded to identify with who we really are as beautiful and gentle Beings who can flourish on the Earth together. The Butterfly speaks to releasing false beliefs, fears, pains, and habits that make us squelch our fun, joy, and inner guidance.
This is a rich and enlightening movement into the wholeness of our Spirits, learning how to embody them just as the Butterfly freely embodies and shares its Essence.
The personal transformation feeds our well-being because we are aligning ourselves with who our hearts know us to really be. Our emotions and physical bodies like this and in turn, we feel stronger and clearer!
As the Sun and planets make their Diamond in the Above, Butterfly brings the message home: “It is safe and beautiful to feel and be the Genuine You.”
Copyrighted in 2011 by Ken Robinson.
Aum…to this moment…Aum
Aum…to meeting of the minds…being in the present moment…without the minds…just being…Aum
Eckhart Tolle…
Aum to SuperHeavy…
what is…Shanti Shanti Shanti
…to all those who are being drawn together for the good of the many…ironically, its ALL of us, knowing or not…it is what we are all doing here…isn’t it?…AUM
Aum Namah Shivaya…
ASL Productions and its mission…Aum
…to learning the art of healing others through universal energy…AUM
Aum to Gery and all those involved in the MVA this morning…Shanti and healing…Aum
speading love and peace…in the hearts of those who are open to it…
Aum…for Song, improved health and well being…Aum
p e a c e … i s … w i t h i n
p e a c e… b e i n g i n t h e moment and accepting what i s…i s… a u m
In depen dance Day !
Give up waiting as a state of mind. “When every thoughts absorbs your attention completely, when you are so identified with the voice in your head and the emotions that accompany it that you lose yourself in every thought and every emotion, then you are totally identified with form and therefore in the grip of the ego.”
“Give up waiting as a state of mind. When you catch yourself slipping into waiting, snap out of it. Come into the present moment. Just be, and enjoy being. If you are present, there is never any need for you to wait for anything.”
“If you are in the habit of creating suffering for yourself, then you are probably creating suffering for others too.”
~Eckhart Tolle
“You have been telling people that this is the eleventh hour.
Now you must go back and tell people that this is the hour!
And there are things to be considered:
Where are you living?
What are you doing?
What are your relationships?
Are you in right relation?
Where is your water?
Know your Garden.
It is time to speak your truth.
Create your community.
Be good to yourself.
And not look outside of yourself for a leader.
This could be a good time!
There is a river flowing very fast.
It is so great and fast that there are those who will be afraid.
They will hold on to the shore.
They will feel that they are being torn apart, and they will suffer greatly.
Know that the river has its destination.
The elders say that we must let go of the shore,
push off into the middle of the river,
keep our eyes open,
and our heads above the water.
See who is in there with you and celebrate.
At this time we are to take nothing personally,
least of all, ourselves.
For the moment that we do,
our spiritual growth comes to a halt.
The time of the lone wolf is over.
Gather yourselves!
Banish the word struggle from your attitude and your vocabulary.
All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.
We are the ones that we have been waiting for.”
– The Elders, Oraibi, Arizona Hopi Nation
“My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we’ll change the world.
All my very best,
Jack Layton,”
Died today, August 22, 2011
Aummm shanti shanti shanti Aummm
humming is healing….
I feel that a sense of compassion is the most precious thing there is.
~Dalai Lama