"Hey Rob" "Hey" "Hey 'who' ?" I insisted. Rob is my AI Alias. Spawned from Octopi. Or Big O. The latest, most comprehensive intuitive AI Analytical tool ever. Why Octopi ? Because She spawned infinite amount of tentacles .. as She got into every nook and corner of our Digital existence. And the tentacle that [...]
Artificial Intelligence and Randomness
On a plane thinking of the future of AI .. Artificial Intelligence. What is AI? Machine learning ? If that's all it is, then we are surrounded by AI. All of Google is one huge AI machine. It can deduce from Data that I put in what I might like .. what I might buy. [...]
A victim of Education
Looking back at my life, I was a victim of education. And I rebelled. And came outside the education system to create for myself an environment in which I could explore who I am in what I do. I rebelled against what I call the "do duni chaar" education system. True creative endeavour in any [...]
Serialised Short Stories
2018 is going to be the year of telling stories .. serialised short stories .. hope you enjoy them !
Gandhiji or Mahatma Gandhi ?
So what does Gandhi mean to the world, to India and specially to us, who are born in India and brought up to almost worship him. We tagged him with the prefix 'Mahatma' with has mythic and religious symbolism. And there lies the problem. We have such a wonderful way to consign a life to [...]
The Unexpressed Inner Child ..
It's late at night. I should sleep. But there are days where even as a director you are completely involved more in mundane administrative stuff. Nothing has emerged from you today that is deeply honest. Deeply creative. Because everything that even tries to arise from within you, immediately hits a wall of judgment. Is it [...]
I am a Hindu
I am Hindu, and very proud to be one .. but I have often wrestled with that question. What does it mean to be a Hindu? I have spoken to some of the best minds, the most spiritual minds. I have journeyed to many places in my quest. and I have to come to believe [...]
IFFI : The 2015 Indian International Film Festival
The International Film Festival in Goa was a huge success. In India we like to criticize. Its why we are the world's largest and most vibrant democracy. It also why it makes us some of the most cynical people in the world. I was the Chairman of the Jury for International Films in the competitive [...]
That uncertain Act of Creativity 1
And thats a question I am always asked. What is creativity ? What is the creative act ? What defines you differently from others if you are defining yourself as creative ? Well .. let me say upfront .. The creative person is not born different. Every child is creative. They satisfy everything that would [...]
And where do all the discarded phones go? By Eshla
During the launch of iPhone 6, Apple fans lined up outside stories for 2 days, camping out with sleeping bags and energy bars, simply to get their hands on the newer, sleeker version. While Apple may have sold a record number of 20 million units, the real story is the millions of phones that will [...]
The Silk Route
This post is submitted by reader Jolly Shah I am about to complete a year in Afghanistan this August. Before I moved here, I had decided to write about the country and my experiences here but I procrastinated until I got this urge today to write. And write first about what- women and Afghanistan! Before [...]