Fear seems to be the key that drives large corporate structures that just cannot handle the democratization of media and entertainment. The great argument the goes on "is there a business model for the new media sites like video blogs and social networking" ? There is a prime fallacy in this argument that is just [...]
Category: Point of View
Australians and I
Landed in Sydney today. Here to promote Golden Age and to make a keynote presentation at the upcoming Digital World event in Melbourne for the XMedia Labs. I seem to be getting a lot of attention in Australia. Probably because I have worked with so many Australians in the few films I have made in [...]
Ageing America
By 2050, an estimated 25 million people in the US will be over the age of 85, and expecting to live to a 100 at least. Will the US embrace these seniors as a source of wisdom or as a burden ? I guess it depends on their wealth.... ... Medical advances in the area [...]
the IIT conference
I was part of a series of forums at the IIT Alumni 2007 Global conference in the 'Silicon Valley". I am amazed at what the IIT Alumni has achieved and their incredible influence on the world and in India. I am proud and thankful to Jawahar Lal Nehru for his incredible foresight when he created [...]
London Explosive Device
Just landed in London from Malaysia and the news media is full of the 'potentially explosive device' found near Piccadilly Circus. The Londoners are faced with the inconvenience of traffic jams and how to get to work. Cant help thinking of how the people in Baghdad and in Beruit survive much much worse. Are the [...]
Pursuit of Happiness – Open Forum
Is excessive/compulsive consumerist behavior an attempt to compensate for the loss of a simple community life, where our basic social patterns were defined by simple rules. Where relationships had time to be more meaningful and where we had a greater, more mythic relationship with nature and the Earth. Is this loneliness driving us to compensate [...]
The spiraling dollar
Those of us that get paid in dollars but live in the most expensive city in the world watch in dismay as the dollar continues to spiral downwards. There must be a floor after which the dollar will begin to rise ? After all the US economy is still one of the most robust in [...]
Wifi and depression – Open forum
A writer friend of mine was suddenly attacked by depression, and she traced it back to the time that she installed Wifi in her home/office. It may just be a combination of writer's block and all the news about the health dangers of Wifi. But most of us now work in WiFi enviorments, our homes [...]
A symbol of real courage
19 year old Jessica Lynch's oddessy did not begin when her armored vehicle was blown up by a bomb. She survived and her gun jammed without being able to fire a single shot. Injured, she was captured by the Iraq's and taken to hospital, where she was treated kindly and the Iraqi's actually tried to [...]
Virginia tech Killings
Cho Seung-Hui, who killed 32 people on Campus, was apparently lonely, desperately looking for his individuality, burdened by anger against a society that he saw as antagonistic. Needed desperately to be noticed. To be touched. Living in a fantasy world in which his final act would be the supreme statement of his own existence. If [...]