I am always pleasantly surprised when I get responses from villages and rural areas in India. It means that the blogosphere is reaching out to villages, and the people of India are finally becoming one. And the great Indian divide between rural and urban India is being done away with through technology. This letter is [...]
Category: Current Events
Why does Indian Media give any attention to politicians ?
I think someone should tell Mr Rane, who was so dissapointed for not being appointed Chief Minister of Maharashtra, that no one in India will be surprised if politicians had supported terrorism. So he should just carry out his threat of spilling the beans. No one cares anymore. That is what we, the people of [...]
Is India ready for change ?
Change in India is not going to happen by the resignation of the Home Minister. Nor by high profile dialogues in high profile news channels by high profile people. One of the reasons that India has not been able to change is it is still a feudal society where hundreds of millions of its citizens [...]
Did Mumbai escape the worst ? Are there terrorists still walking around Mumbai ?
As I had written earlier, all indications are that despite the high cost in innocent lives and terror, this was a failed attempt on Mumbai. Precisely as it had been planned, something went wrong with the terrorists planning. They had planned to kill 5000 people and blow both the Taj Hotel and the Oberoi, making [...]
Mumbai in mourning : express YOUR opnion
Posted by Maddy on November 29, 2008 I write this with tearful eyes as I watch the nation salutes its martyrs. The operation in Mumbai has come to an end after sixty hours. I have spent all these hours, like billion others in this planet, following what the enemy would call their most spectacular attack [...]
We, the People of India
Its time to stand up. Its time not for exasperation, but for action. Its time for Indians to stand up and not allow the Politicians and the politics of this country to hold the people of India to ransom any more. Just as our nation stood on the brink of being one of the world [...]
What was the purpose of the Mumbai terror attacks ?
As Mumbai mourns and limps back to semblance of normalcy, the inevitable questions arise. Who was behind this attack, who were the terrorists and why was our intelligence such a failiure and will our government continue to be so pathetically inept at leadership. But one question that will keep lingering is, what did the terrorists [...]
Who were the terrorists that sruck Mumbai ?
So who who were these people ? who are these people that we so easily brand as fanatics and terrorists, or muslim extremists ? It is so easy to hide behind 'isms' and tribalism. I saw only one picture of a young man that looked barely 19 years old. He looked like a boy who [...]
Mumbai in mourning
Yet again. And as the day dawns in Mumbai the city will wake to count its dead and injured, and inevitably, as it always does, the count will rise painfully. And yet again the government of India and its members, whether on the national or state level, will make the right noises. And yet again [...]
President Obama and the coming end of global geographical boundaries
Many more people world wide followed and celebrated President Obama's victory on global media world wide than any US election before, almost feeling part of the event. People all over the world will follow President Obama's path with an intensity that has no bearing on their immediate environment or lives. Or does it ? I [...]