The problem with euphoria is that people expect immediate results. The people that elected Barrack Obama in a huge emotional outburst will no longer accept their houses being foreclosed only because they are unable to pay their mortgage. Mothers with sons and daughters fighting in Iraq will be quietly celebrating as they expect them to [...]
Category: Current Events
Welcome President Obama, and congratulations on winning the Presidency of the United States
Let me be the first to congratulate you, President Obama on becoming the most significant man of our troubled times. Significant not only because you are the first Afro- American President of the USA, but also because you carry with you the hopes and aspirations of billions of people on this planet who have grown [...]
Over $2 Billion – cost of electing a US President ?
Why does it take over $ 2 billion for the people of the US to decide who their next President will be ? Or conversely, is attention span so limited now, that people need to be bombarded by the media campaigns to constantly be reminded that Obama is a better candidate than McCain or Hilary [...]
The Politics of Hatred
Once again the people of India, the ordinary citizen, has suffered the politics of hatred. Whether it be the 60 people killed in the awful bomb blasts in Gawhati, or the innocent people attacked and killed in the trains in Mumbai. How do the politicians who provoke such actions to further their own selfish political [...]
Is the world heading to class struggle ?
Obama is being accused of being a socialist, and I think that is right, though I do not think of it as an accusation at all. For the people f the US actually are asking for a change towards a far more regulated capitalism, which is really the definition of socialism. What we are seeing [...]
Hyper Economy : a socialist veiw of capitalism
So is Capitalism inherently flawed ? Not inherently, but as all things it works very well in theory, but in practice Capitalism needs a lot of help ! One thing the theory of truly free market economies assumes is just that - a free market with equal access to information so that everyone is making [...]
Diwali,Laxmi and the Global financial meltdown
First a very happy Diwali to everyone, and I thought that we should remind ourselves of why there is a tradition to gamble over this festive and religious season. It is so that we all understand the nature of wealth, the nature of the Goddess Laxmi, who cannot be owned/procured for ones own greed. Wealth [...]
India is over the moon !
India launches it's first rocket to the moon and now joins the elite club of nations that have launched moon missions. Sitting in my hotel room in Buenos Aires watching TV, I could not help feeling a surge of pride. Because we have done this on our own with technology and parts developed mostly in [...]
What can Obama change ?
It now seems clear that Obama will win the US electons. But unfortunately for him, he is the right man come too late. As the financial empire goes bankrupt, and the US becomes embroiled in a war against an enemy it neither can see, nor can it comprehend, Obama and McCain both keep saying they [...]
The US Presidential Debate, who won, Obama or McCain ?
I was hoping that this was going to be a complete walk over for Sen Obama. I was fairly sure it would be. But no it was not. For some reason I cannot fathom, the confident, visionary leader that gave one of the great acceptance (of nomination) speeches of all time, was defending himself. That's [...]