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866 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Dear Shekhar,

    I am a Grammy winning devotee of Amma who very much enjoyed your homage to Amma, The Science of Compassion which Amritavani shared with us last month. Bravo and Jai Ma !

    Amma – Devotional Songs to the Divine Mother, is my new album coming out July 15.
    I am donating many copies to the Amma Bookstores around the world and i will be singing for Amma at various stops on the current North American tour.

    I will be making two short videos to support the album soon and I am hoping that you might let me use some of your unused footage about Amma in these two works. I’m happy to send the album to you if you would kindly email me.

    With love and gratitude, ever in Amma’s service,

    Paul Avgerinos


  3. Hi Sir,

    Hope your doing great!!!

    This is Sana Saeed writing to you.

    I am an actor based out of Mumbai, India. I love to act and have been doing so since I was 4. Recently I have Moved to Los Angeles, for a few months, as I am attending the New York Film Academy workshops In Acting and Filmmaking.

    I am an absolute fan of your work and I would love to work with you. Could you please tell me the best way I could send in my resume and headshots to your production company, for any few future projects.

    Eagerly looking forward to hearing from you!

    Thank you so much 🙂

    Sana Saeed.

    Facebook Official Fan Page:
    Instagram : Sanaofficial

  4. Respected Sir,

    I am a student of Faculty of Technology and Engineering, M.S University, Baroda, Gujarat. We students annually organize a 3-Day National Level Non-Technical fiesta named PARAMARSH. Paramarsh is a non-profitable event run by students, with the aim of enhancing soft skills of college students.It was instigated in 2001 by four students and now in its 16th consecutive quintessential year. Under the banner of TRANSCENDENCE, every year t he event acknowledges the presence of eminent personalities from various fields who have been giving interactive session. Dignitaries such as Dr. Kiran Bedi, Mr. Ronen Sen, Mr. Ashwin Sanghi, Mr. Hussain Zaidi, Mr. Prabhu Chawla, Mr. Chentan Bhagat, Mr. Amish Tripathi had been a part of our event.
    So, we cordially invite you to share your knowledge and experiences with the students.

  5. Sir huge fan of yours I would like to give an idea of a biopic movie to you.its based on life of tarek Fatah a well known writer columnist from Canada and born in Pakistan. His fighting against terrorism, identity crisis in Indian subcontinent is a must watch.HIS journey from India to pakistan ,Pakistan to saudi Arabia,Saudi to Canada and Canada to India is itself an adventure.he has a huge fan following in India. And across the country.his love life too is an amazing story.his videos will help a lot to make the movie.if you liked my idea then please reply sir.I’ve watched all his videos and his mentality and Life struggle is such that every person on Indian subcontinent must know,they must know the true identity of Indian and what real India is.if you don’t like my idea sir than at least share this with your colleague directors.hope u like my idea.

    I can send you video links too and any other stuff if I am able to .


  6. Dear Sir,

    I am a writer and have some beautiful stories for short movies to share. Could you please let me know how to contact you personally.


  7. Dear Sir,
    Thank you for your efforts bringing the fascinating history of England’s golden age to the world. I enjoyed “Elizabeth, The Golden Age,” I was disappointed that my favorite personality of that time, was given only minimal attention when in fact he played a critical and pivotal role in that historic time. I am speaking of Sir Francis Drake who really was a much bigger player than Sir Walter Raleigh. I am such a fan of Drake’s life and accomplishments, I have written an epic screenplay (360 pages) of his life. I have had some help refining/re-writing the script by veteran director/film maker, Ron Maxwell (Gettysburg, Gods and Generals et al) and the script now is a three-part trilogy of the most important times of his life.
    Beginning with “Drake’s War,” which illustrates how a young 16th century Englishman is abused by the Spanish navy and dedicates his life to avenge the wrong. Drake faces daunting setbacks but is tenacious and creative in his quest. He succeeds where others would fail in large part because he is devoid of racism. He befriends natives and runaway black slaves who help him strike a blow against the Spanish.
    The second screenplay, “The Queen’s Corsair” follows Drake as he plans his next attacks and even gains Queen Elizabeth’s permission to sail to the Americas and play the role of pirate. Drake is wildly successful becoming the first man to circumnavigate the globe. Drake’s “pirate booty” is enough to pay off England’s national debt securing knighthood, tremendous wealth, popularity at court and in the hearts of his countrymen.
    The last screenplay, “The Enterprise of England” shows Drake’s historic significance as he rises in political power becoming one of England’s most important heroes. Drake modifies the English navy and leads an unprecedented attack on Spain while Spain is building its war machine in preparation to defeat England and bring it under Spanish rule. Drake is instrumental in soundly defeating the infamous Spanish Armada and arguably becomes the most popular man in England.
    I would very much like to talk with you about this subject and welcome your input how this important story may be made for the world to appreciate.
    Best regards,

  8. Mr. Kapur,
    In late 2000/early 2001 I had the distinct pleasure of viewing a 3 hour rough cut of The Four Feathers in Ridgefield Park NJ and it was simply one of the best movies I have ever watched. I raved about its artistry, pacing, acting, and cinematography. I also caught a second cut several months later that was about 145 minutes which was decent, but left me lacking. When it was shelved after 9/11 I read the book in anticipation of the theatrical release which ended up being underwhelming. I can’t imagine the struggle of losing your art through that process and my disappointment must pale in comparison to yours.
    Anyway, it is 20 years later and I still cannot shake that first cut; it was masterful. I’ve relegated its viewing to something like catching an off-Broadway show which is amazing, but never makes it big and gets lost to history. I now have two teenage boys and I would love to share the experience of that film as I imagine you intended. I plan to also reach out to Miramax, but is there anyway to purchase a copy of that 3 hour version – if it even still exists?
    Regardless of the outcome, thank you for that evening of escape. I will continue to sing your praises about this lost gem.

  9. Hello Uncle ,
    This is Paramvir this side. I Am from Bathinda Punjab. Sir i am handling buissness with my father but i always have this from heart that i can act. I can learn fast from you if you allow. I will not let you down if you take me as your student. Sir i want panni to be the best movie ever i want to act in it . Rest if i get to meet you surely you like me. I am honoured writing to you.

  10. Hello Sir,

    I have studied film from New York Film Academy in Los Angeles and am born and brought up in Bombay. I aspire to inspire many as you have done with your works and your ambition to take Indian characters and place them around the globe rather than confine them to just ‘Bollywood’. I aspire to do the same with my writing, someday.

    I hope i get the chance to work with you and learn from you and your experience. And, you give me an opportunity to reach out to you for an interview or take the time out to go through my resume. I hope this is a stepping stone to the big dream.

    – Sana Malhotra

  11. Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening,
    My name is Sukrit Chandel, I am 16 years old and currently living in Bangalore, India. Few days back a story came to my head. It’s an intense story which is about a normal school kid who was never given importance by any of his age and how his master plan makes him the most important person alive, in an evil way. I can not tell the whole story here because I don’t have any copyrights or anything like that but it would be great if you are interested to know the story. You may contact on this email address to know the story. I am sorry if i wasted your precious time.
    Thank You
    Sukrit Chandel

  12. Dear sir,
    When i was 10yrs i saw u r pic in newspaper since that day u were my first crush.when i was 15 my father saw u r pics in my books he burnt…after that i gave up.but believe me u were always in my mind.i was not knowing anything abt u as we didnt have tv or anything.when u were director of bandit queen than i came to know who u were.i liked u r smile very much.u r 74 but u r smile still has same radiance. I m happily married with 2 kids..but wanted u to know that how much u r adored for u r enchanting smile.marne se pehle aap se milne ki icha thi..but all fate…god bless u…a tight hug to the most adorable person

  13. Sir ,
    This is Swapnil from Mumbai … I wanted to thank you and appreciate your efforts in making a series named “Pradhan Mantri ” .
    I would like to proudly inform you that when I started my studies with respect to politics and to know about indian administration i was very confused . But one day I got your episodes of “Pradhan mantri” randomly on YouTube .
    Respected sir iam proud to tell that your series changed my life from a civilian to a respected govt. Official.
    Your research & deep excavation in indian administration that led to such a wonderful episodes . Especially episodes on Emergency , Indira Gandhi , Morarji desai & many others were the best .
    Respected Sir lots more to say but words are less .
    I would be grateful if I could get an appointment to meet you personally in future .
    Thank you so much sir once again.
    Hope my this mail reaches you.

  14. Dear SK,
    I am now 37yr old, the whole of my 37yr life still balance if I compare your current age of 74yr. When I looked at what you have done with your own life and achieved whatever milestone, this motivated me to consider life as a beautiful gift. Anyway it’s late at night and I am alone and drunk and writing unruly, recently I felt how artificial intelligence with the help of mixed reality in the form of holographic form can do wonder in near future time, these Google,Facebook , whatspp and microsoft all will be left far behind, imagine how human will be presence at the same time at multiple places and all the activity can be recorded with the high bandwidth of internet. It is something like serial series of ramayana back in 90’s where god can be appear any place in second they want, this technology already in baby stage and many organisations work towards holographic technology in many form to bring it to real life as a utility. Apart from this, I just realised the whole world is new place to live suddenly due to this pandemic, I feel we all are bow more chance to live within our own internal world, Life is feelingfull event on every present moments we spent with our body on this earth, I wish you make the best ever move before you die, Movie making is conplicated process, but one day I wish to be part of somthing great movie. Currently as a businessman in dubai, I will look in future to spend my time and money on movie making process if I will be able to afford

    Happy diwali

  15. Sir, I am a great admirer of your works as well as your contributions in the Indian Film Industry.
    I would like to introduce my self as an independent script writer and assistant director.
    Every day is a new opportunity for one who wishes to be a part of this entertainment world. Working in the industry is like weaving my best dreams together and I am enchanted with the excitement that the career in this field of media provides. Encouraged by the efforts and works that your organization has been doing, I too want to be a part of your organization with all my skills, knowledge and ability that I have earned from my experience. It would be an honor for me to learn, work and grow under your expert mentor-ship.
    I bring with me a positive attitude and a desire to learn, grow and rise as a valuable asset for an organization I work for.

  16. Sir ji,

    “A Very Happy Birthday to you.”

    May you live like a “Turtle”
    continue to explore & inspire the World.

    May you flourish under His blessings
    leave an everlasting footprint in this World.

    am so glad to have crossed paths with you….
    (memories bring back, memories bring back “YOU”…)

  17. Sir, I want to discuss a application concept with you need your help to build that application
    It is a very different type of application concept which is needed for all the young talent, skills, artist etc in today’s time please give your precious time to me once
    All my relatives belong to the film industry but I don’t want to do anything with their support I want to do something on my own sir just once hear my concept

  18. Mr Kapur my colleagues and I are doing a feasibility study on using Ted talk speakers to study gesturing and handedness. May we bother you to ask your writing hand? If right, do you know if you were encouraged to switch as a child from your left?

    Many thanks I am happy to tell you more if you are interested.

    Dr David Carey
    Bangor University UK

  19. Hi,. Honestly we are waiting for season 3 of one of your best series I loved a lot. “?????? ??????” / Pradhanmantri.

    We are seriously waiting to see u again in next series of Pradhanmantri or similar.


  20. Doubt:
    Wisdom 1 says,”do not cry over spilt milk.
    Milk is just 87% water.

    Wisdom 2 says,” philosophy is the weapon of the incompetent.

    Which wisdom to choose?
    How do we know if wisdom is leading or misleading?

    If only I could borrow your wisdom…


  21. To
    the God kissed child,
    A very Happy Birthday ? to you.
    May you continue to disect the dichotomy of life,
    May you continue to play with the polarity of thoughts,
    May you continue to cherish and relish the game called, “Connect-the-dots”,
    May you continue to do aand be everything beautiful,
    Many many happy returns of the day ?
    Lots of love and a big bear hug,

  22. Sirji,
    A very Happy New year to you and Kaveri.
    May HE bless you both in all your endeavours and continue to shower all HIS love ,as always ??.

    Lots of love

  23. when things spiral out of control
    this is the story I tell myself .

    {{ surrender completely,(to HIM). }}
    (out of Love//out of Trust)


    Because ,
    HE wants to handle the situation.

    HE knows better.

    HE can do it better.

    align instincts (inner voice) with HIM and go with the flow.
    ( whatever I think/do/or speak is HIS marzi)
    All that happens, happens for GOOD.

    Moral of the story: Surrender to the process; accept the results”.
    (thus no remorse or regret)
    (all this because I had a strong urge to share)
    just like that!

    Good Luck
    All the very best for your New Venture=>”WHY?”).
    May you feel HIS presence in everything you do.

  24. BANG ON!
    You got it so right!

    What do you need,
    When the Universe is talking to you;
    What else do you need,
    When the Universe is talking through you.

    Simply spectacular ?
    As beautiful as you!

  25. When you get a chance please review the script RAMAKRISHNA which is currently hosted at The Black List.

  26. Hello I adore your movies Elizabeth and Elizabeth – the Golden age. Are there still plans to make Elizabeth – the dark age? Yours Hopefully Leanne W from the UK ??.

  27. LOVE is such a sweet, beautiful and delightful vernacular.
    But only a select few speak this language,..
    I wonder => WHY?

  28. can anybody or any device peep into your soul?
    can you have access to anybody’s heart?
    what if!!!
    (sometimes its very scary to even imagine)

    its equally very surprising that,
    in spite of no absolute access or words,
    you are felt, understood and loved.

    (Sorry for encroaching your space.
    Thank You for letting me encroach your space)
    just a heartfelt note!

  29. The mundane game”

    I went to the SUN and called it mundane.
    Sun: No!
    I am original,
    I am the master of fusions (nuclear)
    Don’t call me mundane.
    Blame it on the Moon!

    I went to the MOON and called it mundane.
    Moon: No, Don’t call me mundane!
    I put on a new face(phase) everyday!

    So, I went to the mirror and called it mundane.
    “NO, Don’t call me mundane!”, Said the mirror.
    I am done!

  30. Kadaisi Vivasayi
    (Tamil film on sonyliv)
    Please watch!
    A must watch!
    Is there anything more beautiful than this?
    I wonder!

  31. Vilangu(2022) on zee5
    another gem!
    A must, must watch!

    this will tease and trick your mind for sure.
    metaphorical marvel!

    after watching,
    choose the right answer

    a) its the director who enriched the script/screenplay
    b) its the cast & crew that enhanced the director’s vision
    c) editing/lens/bgm did the magic
    d) everything fell in the right place @ right time @right quantity
    e) Hand of GOD

  32. I would like to get in touch with shekar Kapoor on my forthcoming visit to London in October . Do send me his email Id and telephone number . This is regarding a fantastic story which is my own for a film .

  33. Happened to watch Brahmastra

    Looked like all the characters especially the Hero and the Heroine were reading/ reciting/ discussing your tweets (he said, she said).
    It tries to explore the idea of connect,deep connect,just like you.

    Seemed like the writing was heavily influenced by You.

  34. Also happened to watch
    SF veteran,Major Vivek Jacob ‘s interviews.
    ( YouTube, beerbiceps)

    Part1 : His journey in Special Forces.
    Part2 : His journey after leaving special forces.(especially from 32:01 min)

    Pls watch.

  35. Sir:
    I would dearly like the name of the African man who saved Harry repeatedly in The Four Feathers. I do understand why he is not identified in the movie credits, Wikipedia or any other sources, which is a travesty.
    Thank you

  36. I am playing characters named “Berg” since The Usual Suspects. Would like to play a Berg in a film project of yours. A fan of your work for a very long time. Keep punching, Carl

  37. Dear Mr. Kapur,
    I write to you on behalf of The Merchants’ Chamber of Commerce and Industry and our incumbent President, Mr. Rishabh Kothari.
    On the 75th year of our Independence, it is an imperative for all of us Indians to reflect on the India that we wish to see in its 100th year of freedom. With this in mind, we have initiated a series of Leadership conversations titled : Ideas for India@100. I wished to invite you to for one of our online sessions and wanted to mail you regarding the same.
    Best Wishes,
    Jashodhara Chakraborti.
    Deputy Director General
    Merchants’ Chamber of Commerce and Industry

  38. Hi Sir,


    We had met at the Trident BKC, Mumbai as I am the Resident Pianist there.

    Artist Name : || Vyaasa-M ||
    Music Composer / Music Producer based in Mumbai

    I am really interested about our mythology, its cultural significance & Relevance in the society..My aspirations are to incorporate them into my music.. Looking for an opportunity and guidance from you…

    Hence would like to share my recent collab with an amazing Rapper & Songwriter – The Shloka (MTV Hustle Finalist) for his EP – Panchatatva

    Official Music Video :

    Looking forward to hear from you soon.

    Love & Light

  39. May be you can consider the trilogy by Mulk Raj Anand (The Village, Across the Black Waters and The Sword and the Sickle) for a movie or series

  40. As a fan of ‘Why? The Musical’ album, I profusely and humbly request for your team to perform the musical in Singapore so that I would get a chance to watch it live too. 🙏🏽

  41. Sir ji,
    Here’s wishing
    A very Happy Birthday 🎂🎉
    the wonderful you.

    May you get to visit many more beautiful places,
    get to know many more beautiful souls 😍
    And enjoy life to its fullest.

    May you spread Love ❤️,
    more love ❣️
    Recieve much more love in return.

    May you be blessed with good health to walk this planet and appreciate more of His creation.

  42. If it is to happen,
    ‘It will definitely happen!’

    It does not happen
    ‘That is the best thing to happen!’

    -Theory of acceptance and philosophy of drama says,
    ” you will belong where you are needed the most! “

    The wonderful You.

    May your curious mind find
    new paths , new meanings and new beginnings.
    May your adventures be filled with new experiences.

    (It’s surreal! Yet so real!…
    … to have found a sweet soft spot in a revered heart ❤️)

  44. mr.kapur i have a suggestion for you not an idea before though i would like to say that i really enjoyed watching your films ELIZABETH and FOUR FEATHERS now getting back to my suggestion i truly liked the taiwanese film EAT DRINK MAN WOMEN it was remade as TORTILLA SOUP featuring a mexican-american family latin legend raquel welch was in the cast i always thought it could be done as a pakistani-british film the story consists of a renowned chef and widower with three daughters the late great actors om puri and irrfan khan would have been stupendous in the lead role british-pakistani comedienne shazia mirza would be fantistic as the eldest daughter thank you

  45. Just when ‘i thought’ how much i was missing a “she said , he said…”

    Too much telepathy!
    This can’t be true!!!

    ( How can there be so many coincidences though..)

  46. Dear Mr Kapur, thank you for directing the film ‘what’s love got to do with it?’
    I am mixed race English-Pakistani. My mum is British Pakistani and my dad is English. I haven’t cried in a Rom Com in so long. I bawled my eyes out and released a lot of pent up emotions. You capture Pakistani culture perfectly. You captured what is like in England being Pakistani and being a Muslim. You captured the beauty and majesty of Islam and the way it captivates non-religious people too. Most of all you captured the toxicity of culture, of ‘what will people think?’ and the damage it can cause to an entire family. Only love and faith heals all and can bridge the gaps between people. I loved your movie, thank you for your film.

  47. Hello sir my name is Roopesh I have one very sweet and innocent story which I want to share with you I am sure you will like it so kindly tell me how can I share with you.

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