…..and Cut.

Monday 31st July. 5.10 PM – ‘H’ Stage, Shepperton Studios. The eightieth and last day of principal photography today and so my last entry on this production blog.

It was some 13 weeks ago, during a night shoot at Westminster Cathedral, that Shekhar first asked me to start blogging about the production and the history behind it and, as is always the case with these things, that seems both a lifetime ago and only yesterday. I hope in the last few months I’ve given a taste of what goes into making an historical movie, the decisions that are made and why. In particular I hope I’ve shown that whilst inaccuracies creep in (for which I take full responsiblilty), where we change the story, the setting, characters or events it is usually for a good reason and at the heart of that reason is the desire to make a film that engages and inspires a modern audience. History is, after all, as much about the present as the past, as old stories only come to life in a modern mind.
Ahead now lie months of editing, dubbing, orchestrations and recordings before we all get to see just what it is that we’ve made together in the last eighty days. I hope you all enjoy the end result as much as we have enjoyed making it and that when it’s released Elizabeth and her times will come to life again in your minds. So thank you for all your kind words and encouragement and……….Cut.
That’s a wrap.

7 thoughts on “…..and Cut.

  1. Thanks for posting all the cool info for us Justin! I too will be eagerly waiting to see what the final end result is for the movie.

  2. Justin,
    Thank you so much for responding to my comments. I hope you know I have greatly enjoyed your daily updates from the set of “The Golden Age”. Your updates will be terribly missed.
    You have obviously brought to the production your wealth of knowledge, research, flexibility, and understanding. You harold Cate’s and Shekhar’s artistic gifts often. I hope Cate and Shekhar feel as fortunate as myself to have worked with you as I have been able to communicate with you these last few months. They should.
    As Cate’s last day was sad for you, this day is very sad for me as I am sure it is for all of us who have read your updates.
    I wish you all the luck (or providence) in the world (and the orrery). I will remember you well.

  3. Justin,
    Before the end of the blogging, I would appreciate reasons for certain innaccuracies such as (1) Raleigh going to Virginia, (2) Raleigh in the Spanish Armada Action, (3) and the account on the Fire Boat.
    And another Question? Is R.Cecill and R. Deveroux in the film?
    Thanks for blogs.

  4. Justin,
    Thank you so much for your blog. It has been an insightful look at the history of Elizabeth and her court and the making of a historical movie. You have described the scenes and sets so vividly that I have mental pictures of them. I wait with great anticipation for the release of the Golden Age.
    Linda Bauer

  5. That’s a Wrap
    My last entry
    and the history behind it
    as always…seems a lifetime ago
    and only yesterday
    a taste of what goes into making decisions
    and why we change the story
    The setting characters or events
    it is usually for a good reason
    at the heart
    that reason is the desire
    that engages and inspires history
    As much about the present as the past
    old stories only come to life
    in mind
    Ahead now
    before we all get to see
    what it is…made together
    Enjoy the end result
    when it’s released
    Times will come to life
    in your minds
    for all your kind words and encouragement
    …that’s a wrap

  6. Dear Justin,
    As I read your last entry, there was some sadness I must admit…no more decoding your fine expressive words.
    As life goes on, so does change. The less we become attached, the easier to flow with each changing season.
    With that in mind, farewell and take care. It’s been an uncommon and joyful experience for me.
    When the movie comes out it will be a first, watching it with informed eyes, from all that you and Shekhar have offered us “inside” the making.
    THANK YOU JUSTIN {{{warm hug }}} of gratitude to you.
    All the best to you on your next journey.

  7. Will be sOo very strange not having this daily diary of the filming of Golden Age to come to…
    Thankyou Shekhar and Justin and Featured Guests, for taking us with you on this adventure, this creation, this masterpiece in the making….
    Every description, every word, captured my imagination, my heart, and tugged at my thoughts…thankyou for that too : )

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