So did we say a prayer today ?

For who ? For ourselves. Did we do something, some ritual that affirmed our faith today ? In what ? In ourselves. Our ability to connect with our inner selves. For if we do not, who is this person that is working, loving, talking etc. It’s certainly not you.

It’s an everyday search for me. For that something that can put me in touch with myself. My connection to consciousness. My connection to loving nature.
Of course many people have faith. Which is a wonderful ability. I don’t have blind faith. I am more of a searcher. Questioner. Good, bad ? I don’t know. No value judgements on any faith or the question of faith. Or on myself.
Some people do it with meditation first thing in the morning. I have never been able to do that. I have to connect to something, however small, however little, to loose my sense of individuality. That’s the daily struggle. Against my own exaggarated sense of myself. I am so used to it. I have relied on it for so many years. So tough to let go now. Not that I have never questioned it before. But now, it is really important for me to be truly ‘active’ rather than ‘reactive’, which is what I have done most of my life. And how do I know what that ‘true’ action is ? Unless I am constantly in touch with something larger, more immense, more universal than myself ?
Yes I know. By letting go. By allowing yourself not to be addicted to the result of your action. By allowing chaos to invade your life. Yes, I agree. All of that. I do allow chaos to prevade in my life. I am impeteous (spelling). But then the individual in me fights back hard.
It’s an everyday battle. This battle to let go of one’s addiction to one’s sense of individuality.
Yet, the smallest of things can provoke the sensing of my flowing into something much much larger. Something infinite.
This morning it was my 5 year old daughter waking me up with a loud ‘Peekaboo’ and the tinkling of an early morning laugh.
Sometimes it;s just getting up early enough to watch the first shades of dark blue brush across the sky. Something deeply stirring about that.
Sometimes it’s unexpected gestures of affection that were not sought. Or given so instinctually that you were not aware of them.
Sometimes, it’s writing a poem. But only if the words are coming from somewhere else. As if something is flowing through you, a river of emotion you can physically feel that flows through your being.
But it is always so unexpected. So much that I am constantly aware now. My senses hightened. Waiting for that unexpected moment.
When something deeper will reach out and engulf me, and give my life, and all my actions, however small, a deeper and all encompassing context. On a daily basis.
So say a prayer for me. And for yourself.

1,544 thoughts on “So did we say a prayer today ?

  1. (((for Pragya…peace, support of strength, groundedness in following through with what is believed to be right…ommm shanti shanti shanti)))

  2. …well. it’s my 48th birthday today!
    since poetry is one of my “loves” …

    For all of my ancestors
    I bow down in deep gratitude and appreciation
    for the journey you have travelled…
    that I now walk this path uopn the earth
    In careful steps
    In mindful steps…
    each and every moment was walked
    upon this earth, by you, before me

    tears come to me when I think of the times I had fallen short of fulfilling the path you had so painstakingly laid out for me…

    for what I know now…I know I know…next to nothing

    still…there are some things that hold true to me

    the love…for what you have done
    the love…for a place that allows
    the love for music, art, poetry…and everything in existance that brings all those things together through expressions that seem limitless…

    I love you love…it is what it is…


  3. You’re the moon shinning in the sky

    Helping me to find the way

    On the journey to enlighten

    In the absence of the mighty Sun,

    You’re the boon residing in me

    Heartening me to oversee

    The world and its being

    And the life and its meaning

    You in me,

    As the depth in the sea

    Prevailing all across my sphere

    And blessing all my endeavour

    I pray, u spread to all

    In our every rise and fall

    Shelter us in your embrace

    And keep blessing always

    ~Subin Shrestha

  4. Wow!!! bak from emotional hell…turning point? A sign came in the form of an amulet…nestled in the ice n snow…as i walked through this parking lot…passed it…came back, leaned over n picked it up…held it in my hand…and there was the message…in a blue dove, five crystal looking beads of different colours and a disc at the end of it that read…peace on one side and peace on the other…then it came to me…peace can be on both sides of the coin…and when i look at this experience i see now how it was there even in hell, reminding me in so many ways that peace will prevail because it IS there… so, i held it up against the blue sky and bright sunshine beaming down…then it hit me like a bolt of lightening….and love just penetrated my being…so overwhelming…i wanted to share it…then, i rolled my window down while i was driving out of the parking lot and handed the amulet to a beautiful being passing by right at that moment!!!

    om shanti shanti shanti…

  5. Between Us

    Youre the moon shinning in the sky

    Helping me to find the way

    On the journey to enlighten

    In the absence of the mighty Sun,

    Youre the boon residing in me

    Heartening me to oversee

    The world and its being

    And the life and its meaning

    You in me,

    As the depth in the sea

    Prevailing all across my sphere

    And blessing all my endeavour

    I pray, u spread to all

    In our every rise and fall

    Shelter us in your embrace

    And keep blessing always

    ~Subin Shrestha (soul connection)

    During the past being went on a journey through, what most of us would consider. darkness. The energy was pulled into a vortex of heaviness and enduring thoughts away from what would commonly go through my head…at moments, there were connections to “light” and many tried to reach me with love and care…yet I remained where I was for some days…the poem written above, was an expression of gratitude towards me, my soul friend, Subin wrote. When I first read it, I think I asked him “who was it about?…and still thanked him for such a beautiful poem. He said it was for me…in gratitude. Even though I was in a deep place of darkness at the time, I told him that I could still feel him…holding on to me, trying to comfort me during this nightmare…all this and he lives 3hours flying time away from me…yet Subin was able to reach me with his love and caring…this is the power behind the words in such a poem, written by a master, a Good King…Subin. Namaste…I bow to you in gratitude, thank you for not leaving me. ommm

  6. Love being love and being loving

    Notes From Neale

    Hello, Everyone…

    We are exploring here the Five Natural Emotions: Grief, Anger, Envy, Fear, and Love. These emotions are tools, gifts given to us by God with which to build a letter life. In the last three weeks we looked at Grief, Anger, and Envy. Today, an exploration of Love.

    Love is a Natural Emotion. When it is allowed to be expressed, and received, by a child, normally and naturally, without limitation or condition, inhibition or embarrassment, it does not require anything more. For the joy of love expressed and received in this way is sufficient unto itself. Yet love which has been conditioned, limited, warped by rules and regulations, rituals and restrictions, controlled, manipulated, and withheld, becomes unnatural.

    Children who are made to feel that their natural love is not okay–that it is wrong to express it, and that, in fact, they shouldn’t even experience it–will have a difficult time appropriately dealing with love as adults.

    Love that is continually repressed becomes possessiveness, a very unnatural emotion. People have killed because of possessiveness. Wars have started, nations have fallen.

    People love to be in love. Yet “love” is a big word. It is the biggest word in the language. Any language.

    What is love, really? Conversations with God has a lot to say on this subject. Among other things, it says that love is a decision, not a reaction. That may be one of the most important things anyone could ever say on the subject. True love is never the result of how another person looks, behaves, or interacts with us. It is a choice to be loving no matter how that other looks, behaves or interacts with us.

    This does not mean that true love requires us to stay in a relationship that is abusive. Do not confuse the words “love” and “relationship.” We are not proving that we love someone by staying in a relationship. Indeed, there are instances when we may be proving we love them by leaving. So it is not true that love demands that we accept abuse from the one that we love.

    If a person is abusive to us, it is abusive to that person to allow their abuse to continue. For if we allow their abuse to continue, what do we teach them? Yet if we make it clear that the abuse in unacceptable, what then have they learned?

    Of course, it is true that no one can ever really “get out” of a relationship. We are always in relationship with each other, and the only thing that changes is the form the relationship takes. You cannot end a relationship, you can only change it. So do not think in terms of ending your relationship, think in terms of changing it. You may wish to change its form, or you may wish to hold onto the form, but change its characteristics within that form.

    Choosing to love someone — truly love them — is a very high act. It is the mark of a Master. Loving someone as a “reaction” is a somewhat less elevated experience. It is the mark of a student. The danger of loving someone as a reaction is that the one we love may change. In fact, it is a certainty that they will. They may gain weight, or lose it. They may alter their personality. They may change their ideas about something important to us. And if we are in love with what others bring to us in relationship, we could be headed for enormous disappointment.

    So we come to the second big truth about all this: love is not about what the other brings to you, it is about what you bring to the other. Indeed, the purpose of all love relationships is to provide us with an opportunity to decide and to declare, to be and to express, to become and to fulfill, Who We Really Are.

    This is perhaps another way of restating the first truth, because Who We Really Are is a choice, not a response. It is a decision, not a reaction – although it is true that most people think it is the other way around.

    When I talk to young people about love, I tell them that there are two questions having to do with life and relationship that everyone would benefit from asking.

    1. Where am I going?

    2. Who is going with me?

    It is important to ask these in the right order. Many people switch them around — and suffer for it the rest of their lives. First they ask, who is going with me in my life? Then they ask, where am I going? Often, the choice of destination is conditioned and compromised by the choice of companion. This can make for a very rough journey.

    I remember how at one of our spiritual renewal retreats (we have one coming up in July, called The Conversation School–a 7-day event with only 18 participants ) one young woman in her twenties asked sadly, “What does it feel like to be in love?” I told her I could not answer for anyone else, but I know what it feels like to me. It feels like there is only one of us in the room.

    When I am with my beloved other, Em, it feels as if there is no place where “I” end and “she” begins. When I look into Em’s eyes, it is like looking into my own. When I sense that Em is sad, it is as if the sadness pierces my own heart. When she smiles, the heart of me smiles with her — as her. I wish I could feel this way about everyone. That is what I am working toward. I am feeling it with more and more people very day.

    A Course in Miracles says, “No special relationships.” In other words, no one person should be more special to us than another. That is how God experiences love. There is no condition, and no one is more special than another.

    It is difficult for most people to understand that. How can God love us all equally, the “good” and the “bad” alike? It is because God does not see any of us as “good” or “bad.” We are all perfect in God’s eyes, no matter how we are behaving. Human beings have a long way to go before they can claim that. Most of us place condition after condition on our love, and we are very fast to withdraw it when those conditions are not met.

    So the third great truth about love is that it knows no conditions. There is no such thing as “I love you IF…” in God’s world.

    The fourth great truth about love is that it knows no limitations. Love is freedom, experienced. Total and absolute freedom. And so one who loves another never seeks to restrict or limit that other in any way. This is a tough one for many people. For many, love translates, roughly, into “ownership.” Not that this is ever expressed, of course. It is simply felt. It is a felt sense of “you’re mine.” Of course, in true love nothing could be further from the truth. And in true love, such ideas or thoughts are never part of the paradigm. No one owns anyone, and no one acts as if they do.

    This has major implications, as one might imagine. So now I am going to list the fifth, and perhaps the most “controversial,” truth about love that I know.

    Love never says no. Not to persons of equal maturity and intelligence. (We are not talking about children here. Let’s limit this discussion to adults.)

    No matter what the request of the beloved, love says yes. This does not mean that personal opinions are not expressed, nor personal preferences announced. But, in the end, a request from the beloved is never denied.

    Again, that is difficult for many people to grapple with. Yet this is the way that God loves. I am fond of saying in my lectures and retreats that God has only one word in Her vocabulary. God always says yes. No matter what you want, no matter what you choose, He never says no.

    This idea can be reduced to two-words: God allows.

    Since Conversations with God teaches that the words “God” and “love” are interchangeable, you could then say, “love allows.”

    In the end, that is what love does. Love allows. It never restricts, it never limits, it never stops, it only allows. In true love relationships, you get to have what you want.

    The sixth truth about love is that it always renews itself. It never runs out.

    As a regular ritual in our marriage, Em and I exchange our wedding vows every year on our anniversary. We have a whole wedding ceremony, with a minister, invited guests, the dinner and cake…the whole nine yards. Now some of our married friends have told us that they love this idea and that they are now doing it on their anniversary! ;o)

    It’s so rewarding when we see something like that happen! It’s as if Love Itself has multiplied Itself, with us as the instrument. And you, too, can be, equally, an instrument of Love’s Multiplication. With every thought you think, with every word you speak, with every action you take.

    Love is a natural emotion. When we are allowed to express it fully in every day in every way, we come alive, through the direct experience of Who We Really Are.

    I have enjoyed writing this series of articles on the Five Natural Emotions. And next week is Open Forum Week here at the Bulletin. I will write about whatever you choose. So if you’ve like me to cover a particular topic from the CWG cosmology, just drop me a note at, and put the word TOPIC in the subject line. I’ll be sure to open those first!

    Until next week…

    Love and Hugs,

  7. To Babaji (Subin)… who renamed our poem…namaste…Luv us

    “You in Me”

    Youre the moon shining in the sky

    Helping me to find the way

    On the journey to enlighten

    In the absence of the mighty Sun,

    Youre the boon residing in me

    Heartening me to oversee

    The world and its being

    And the life and its meaning

    You in me,

    As the depth in the sea

    Prevailing all across my sphere

    And blessing all my endeavour

    I pray, u spread to all

    In our every rise and fall

    Shelter us in your embrace

    And keep blessing always

  8. ~om~

    to expanding the meanings…opening our hearts and minds…and leaving them behind…then we experience something not experienced before…hmmm

  9. In this Moment

    There really is no way
    of saying this…
    that will create a full and true sense
    of what this experience is…

    You hold us in a place
    With a simple smile
    of your grace

    Keeping us in prayerful hands
    To serve many… who live on this land

    A whisper that reaches
    from hundreds of miles away
    Off in a distance…yet near we stay

    This seed of love
    We have sown
    Everywhere we feel…it has grown

    Look into this moment
    and let eternity be

    …for it is with this guiding light
    where the universe sets us free

  10. …to love

    where are you?
    how do I find you?
    is this all some illusion to fool me into thinking otherwise?


    where are you?

    how am I to find you?


    i should stop looking…

  11. Today we’re going to look at Conscious versus Unconscious choice.

    One thing that no one ever told me about this “Law of Attraction” business is that it is because the “system” never shuts down — it is because the power that God has given us is always ON — that it sometimes looks as if the Process of Personal Creation is not working. In fact, Personal Creation is always working.

    Some people have tried using the Personal Creation process and have thought it to be ineffective. Personal Creation is never ineffective, although it does not always produce the results that we desire. It is precisely because it is so effective that it does not do so.

    The Energy of Attraction, you see, responds not only to what we desire, but also to what we fear. Not only to what we wish to draw to us, but also to what we wish to push away. Not only to what we consciously choose, but also to what we unconsciously select.


  12. “Selecting” from what my friend Deepak Chopra calls “the Field of Infinite Possibilities” is a delicate procedure. It is a matter of what we focus on, whether we want to or not, whether we do it consciously or not.

    For instance, if your mind is focused on doubling your income within the next year, but if you have a later thought (even an subconscious one) the next hour or the next day that it will be almost impossible for you to do this–if you say to yourself, “Oh, come on, be practical! Pick a goal that you can at least reach”–then you have selected the latest idea, whether you originally wanted to or not, because the switch on your power is always ON; Personal Creation is always working.

    It not only works with your most recent thought or idea, but also with the one to which you give the most frequency and focus and emotional energy.

    This explains why some people who seek to use the process to get something they desperately want often meet up with what they call failure. Then they say, “See? This stuff doesn’t work!”

    Actually, the process is working perfectly.

    ‘Wanting’ pushes things away from you

    Another example of this is that if you experience yourself wanting something desperately, and if you keep saying to yourself I want that!, you are announcing to the universe that you do not now have it.

    (Unless you are simply using the word “want” as a figure of speech. Most people are not. When most people say that they “want” something, they are very clear that it is because they experience that they do not now have it.)


  13. As long as you hold such a thought, you cannot have it, because you cannot experience on the one hand what you are confirming on the other that you do not.

    For instance, the statement “I want more money” may not draw money to you, but may actually push it away. This is because the universe has only one response in its vocabulary: “Yes.” It listens to you very carefully, and it listens most of all to what you are feeling.

    Conversations with God says that “feeling is the language of the soul.” If you constantly say, “I want more money!”, and the Universe “feels your feeling” around that, and it is a feeling of lack, this is what the universe will respond to.


  14. The ‘Engine of Creation’ is actually a magnet

    We are talking about power here. The power of a magnet. Remember that a feeling is energy, and in the matter of energy, Like Attracts Like. So the Universe will say “Yes!”–and you will continue wanting more money.

    If you think, “I want more love in my life!”, the universe will say “Yes!”–and you will continue wanting more love in your life.

    In using the Energy of Attraction, the word “I” is the ignition key of creation. What follows the word “I” turns the key and starts the engine of manifestation.

    Thus, when it “looks as if” Personal Creation is not working it is only because the Energy of Attraction has brought you what you inadvertently selected rather than what you thought you chose.

    If the power were not always ON, if the process was not always working, you could have a single very positive thought about something and that outcome would be made manifest in your reality without fail. But the process works all the time, not just part of the time, and is fed by that which you feel most deeply, most consistently. So a single very positive thought in a whirlwind of not-so-positive ideas and projections is not likely to produce the desired result.

    The trick is to stay positive in a sea of negativity. The trick is to know that the process is working even when it looks as if it is not. I want to give you a tool with which to do this. It is an incredible technique. It works every time. And that’s where we’ll start next week!

    Until then… Neale D. W.

  15. Appeal by H.H. the Dalai Lama
    April 15th 2011

    The current situation prevailing at Kirti Monastery in Ngaba in northeastern Tibet is extremely grim because of the stand-off between the Chinese military forces and the local Tibetans. The monastery, housing approximately 2,500 monks, is completely surrounded by Chinese armed forces, who at one point prevented vital food and other supplies from entering the monastic compound.

    The local Tibetans fearing that this siege on Kirti Monastery is a prelude to large scale detention of the monks have surrounded the soldiers blockading the monastery and have filled the roads so as to prevent Chinese trucks and vehicles from either entering or leaving Kirti.

    The local Chinese blockade of Kirti Monastery began on 16 March 2011, when a young Tibetan monk at the monastery tragically set himself on fire as a way of observing the third anniversary of the widespread peaceful protests that shook Tibet in 2008. Instead of putting out the flames, the police beat the young monk which was one of the causes of his tragic death. This act created huge resentment among the monks, which resulted in this massive blockade of Kirti Monastery.

    I am very concerned that this situation if allowed to go on may become explosive with catastrophic consequences for the Tibetans in Ngaba.

    In view of this I urge both the monks and the lay Tibetans of the area not to do anything that might be used as a pretext by the local authorities to massively crackdown on them.

    I also strongly urge the international community, the governments around the world, and the international non-governmental organizations, to persuade the Chinese leadership to exercise restraint in handling this situation.

    For the past six decades, using force as the principle means in dealing with the problems in Tibet has only deepened the grievances and resentment of the Tibetan people. I, therefore, appeal to the Chinese leadership to adopt a realistic approach and to address the genuine grievances of the Tibetans with courage and wisdom and to restrain from using force in handling this situation.

    The Dalai Lama

    April 15, 2011

  16. By John Vidal

    Bolivia is set to pass the world’s first laws granting all nature equal rights to humans. The Law of Mother Earth, now agreed by politicians and grassroots social groups, redefines the country’s rich mineral deposits as “blessings” and is expected to lead to radical new conservation and social measures to reduce pollution and control industry.

    The country, which has been pilloried by the US and Britain in the UN climate talks for demanding steep carbon emission cuts, will establish 11 new rights for nature. They include: the right to life and to exist; the right to continue vital cycles and processes free from human alteration; the right to pure water and clean air; the right to balance; the right not to be polluted; and the right to not have cellular structure modified or genetically altered.

    Controversially, it will also enshrine the right of nature “to not be affected by mega-infrastructure and development projects that affect the balance of ecosystems and the local inhabitant communities”.

    “It makes world history. Earth is the mother of all”, said Vice-President Alvaro García Linera. “It establishes a new relationship between man and nature, the harmony of which must be preserved as a guarantee of its regeneration.”

    The law, which is part of a complete restructuring of the Bolivian legal system following a change of constitution in 2009, has been heavily influenced by a resurgent indigenous Andean spiritual world view which places the environment and the earth deity known as the Pachamama at the centre of all life. Humans are considered equal to all other entities.

    But the abstract new laws are not expected to stop industry in its tracks. While it is not clear yet what actual protection the new rights will give in court to bugs, insects and ecosystems, the government is expected to establish a ministry of mother earth and to appoint an ombudsman. It is also committed to giving communities new legal powers to monitor and control polluting industries.

    Bolivia has long suffered from serious environmental problems from the mining of tin, silver, gold and other raw materials. “Existing laws are not strong enough,” said Undarico Pinto, leader of the 3.5m-strong Confederación Sindical Única de Trabajadores Campesinos de Bolivia, the biggest social movement, who helped draft the law. “It will make industry more transparent. It will allow people to regulate industry at national, regional and local levels.”

    Foreign Minister David Choquehuanca said Bolivia’s traditional indigenous respect for the Pachamama was vital to prevent climate change. “Our grandparents taught us that we belong to a big family of plants and animals. We believe that everything in the planet forms part of a big family. We indigenous people can contribute to solving the energy, climate, food and financial crises with our values,” he said.

    Little opposition is expected to the law being passed because President Evo Morales’s ruling party, the Movement Towards Socialism, enjoys a comfortable majority in both houses of parliament.

    However, the government must tread a fine line between increased regulation of companies and giving way to the powerful social movements who have pressed for the law. Bolivia earns $500m (£305m) a year from mining companies which provides nearly one third of the country’s foreign currency.

    In the indigenous philosophy, the Pachamama is a living being.

    The draft of the new law states: “She is sacred, fertile and the source of life that feeds and cares for all living beings in her womb. She is in permanent balance, harmony and communication with the cosmos. She is comprised of all ecosystems and living beings, and their self-organisation.”

    Ecuador, which also has powerful indigenous groups, has changed its constitution to give nature “the right to exist, persist, maintain and regenerate its vital cycles, structure, functions and its processes in evolution”. However, the abstract rights have not led to new laws or stopped oil companies from destroying some of the most biologically rich areas of the Amazon.

  17. Notes From Neale

    Hello, Everyone…

    We’ve begun a series of articles here in which we seek to contextualize this business of “the Law of Attraction” within the CWG framework. For this exercise I am turning to the remarkable CWG book, Happier Than God.

    Today, as promised last week, we’re going to look at what to do when it “looks as if” Personal Creation is not working. When that happens it is only because the Energy of Attraction has brought you what you inadvertently selected rather than what you thought you chose.

    If the power of creation was not always ON, if the process was not always working, you could have a single very positive thought about something and that outcome would be made manifest in your reality without fail. But the process works all the time, not just part of the time, and is fed by that which you feel most deeply, most consistently. So a single very positive thought in a whirlwind of not-so-positive ideas and projections is not likely to produce the desired result.

    The trick is to stay positive in a sea of negativity. The trick is to know that the process is working even when it looks as if it is not.

    In my last installment I told you I would be giving you a tool with which to do this. It is an incredible technique. It works every time.

    The Miracle That Will Change Your Life

    Staying positive when surrounded by—even when submerged in—what others might call “negativity” is easier than you think. So here is The Trick. Here is The Tool. Here is The Incredible Technique…

    Bring an immediate end to judgment.

    “Judge not by appearances.”

    When you bring an end to judgment, you bring an end to an entire way of living. This is no small thing. This is a life-changing shift in attitude and behavior. This is a miracle.

    But how does one perform this miracle? That is the question to which everyone wants an answer. Please, then, pay very close attention to what I am going to tell you now…

    The way to move out of judgment is to move into gratitude.

    That is such an important corollary that it should be plastered all over your house and everywhere in your world. On your bathroom mirror. On the refrigerator door. On your car’s rear-view mirror. Above your computer screen. You might even tattoo it on your left wrist—or at least engrave it on a bracelet that you wear there:



    This means remaining grateful for every outcome. Every outcome.

    This is about saying “Thank you, God” for even those things that you are sure you did not consciously choose and that you are very clear you do not want.

    Somebody once said, “Happiness is not getting what you want, it is wanting what you get.” That “somebody” was profoundly right.

    Gratitude is the miracle cure for every moment of dis-ease. It is the fastest way to dissolve anxiety, to heal disappointment, to replace negativity with positivity. It is the shortest route from a dead-end back to The Path. It is the connecting energy to God.

    Try it some time.

    The next time you are confronted with any undesired outcome, result, or experience, just stop. Stop right in the middle of whatever’s going on. Just…


    Close your eyes for the smallest moment and say inside your head, “Thank you, God.”

    Take one good, deep breath and say it again.

    “Thank you for this gift, and the treasure that it holds for me.”

    Be assured that it does hold a treasure, even if you are not seeing it right now. Life will prove that to you, if you give it a chance.

    The ‘GPS of the Brain’

    When gratitude replaces judgment, peace spreads throughout your body, gentleness embraces your soul, wisdom fills your mind. Let gratitude replace judgment and your whole experience of life will take a turn for the better in five seconds.

    In five seconds.

    This is because attitude is everything. Attitude puts the course correction in life when you have stepped off The Path. Attitude is like the Map of the Mind. It is like the Global Positioning Satellite of the brain.

    A negative attitude will send you down the road to unhappiness. There is no avoiding it. It will absolutely happen, and it doesn’t matter what the problem. A positive attitude will put you back on The Path to inner peace and happiness. Again, there is no avoiding it. It will absolutely happen, and it doesn’t matter what the problem.

    Yet how can one move into gratitude when the circumstances or conditions presenting themselves are utterly miserable, desolate—or even life threatening?

    By knowing that every moment in life is an unparalleled opportunity for you to inwardly declare, express and experience the Divinity that lies within you.

    This is something that is not made clear by a simple announcement that there is such a thing as the Energy of Attraction. That fact must be explained, not merely revealed.

    As I’ve said, the writing above and last week has come from the wonderful book Happier Than God. In that text, the Energy of Attraction is fully explained.

    Love and Hugs,

    Neale D.W

  19. Weekly Forecast for Humanity’s Awakening
    Search for Your Center, Your Song, and Stand Your Ground Like an Oak Tree. It’s Real!
    Up in the sky above us, Saturn is a stand out. It is transiting on one side of the zodiac while almost all of the other planets are transiting on the other side. It’s time for you to take your stand, to search for the solid ground inside your heart and body and become centered like a great old gentle oak tree. To do this means turning your attention to your Song – the easeful and unique feeling that resonates inside your core. Open your arms to embrace life and let the soothing winds bring you the gifts and people they want to bring to your path. Find your deep roots in your own authority, as the decision maker of your life, in all aspects of your journey on the planet. No excuses. No blaming. No harsh self-judgments. No looking to others to have the answers for you. Go for it now! Why wait to let life pass you by? The clock is ticking. What are you waiting for? The genie in a bottle to appear? Whatever mess you are experiencing has a purpose, even if it feels like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders. It’s not an accident that you are in what your are in. When you hang on to the old, the old keeps getting heavier and it teaches you in this way, helps you let go so that you can see the new possibilities. What a nice opportunity! It might help to talk to some friends or practitioners about the situations and the feelings your are having. Listen to their sense of things, but let go of the temptation to give the power away to them. Being grateful for their help is balancing, but claim the awakening in your Self. Being real brings everything in your world into vivid clarity because the illusions disperse when you do so. Then the magic happens because you choose life over pretense. You are the powerful genie you are waiting for! (Copyrighted 2011 by Ken Robinson. All rights reserved.)

  20. Notes from Neale…

    As I was contemplating the bin Laden event I went into the ‘Conversations With God’ Material itself to find inspiration and words of wakefulness. Opening The New Revelations I found a fascinating exchange between God and me It is rather lengthy, so I shall offer just a portion of it here. In the passage that follows, God speaks first…

    Even people who do horrible things will stop doing them, if only for a moment, if you will ask them why they are doing them.

    It is not the basic nature of human beings to be horrible. It is the basic nature of human beings to be loving. When humans are being horrible, it is because of something they believe. Ask them, therefore—even in the midst of the horror—ask them:

    What hurts you so much that you feel you have to hurt me to heal it?

    Now that is a piercing inquiry.

    It is a wonderful question to pose in the middle of any disagreement which is causing another to cast negative energy at you. It works in households as well as in international affairs.

    But then, having asked the question, you must be willing to listen to the answer. You cannot write the answer off as so much propaganda, or dismiss it out of hand. You cannot ignore it or belittle it or devalue it because you disagree with it. And, of course, you will disagree with it, or no one would be fighting with you.

    It is helpful to understand that when someone is fighting with you they are usually fighting for your attention.

    If they could get you to hear them, and to help them with what is hurting them, without going to battle with you, they would forego the battle, if only to remove themselves from danger.

    But then, why do they go to war, or start a battle? Don’t they know that it is bound to place them in danger?

    Because they perceive that dangerous things are already happening to them, or are about to happen to them—and that is what they are trying to stop.

    Remember what I told you: When they attack, no nations or groups or individuals think of themselves as attackers. They all think of themselves as defenders.

    “What hurts you so much that you feel you have to hurt me to heal it?”
    can therefore be a very useful question.

    Yet what if I can’t do anything about what hurts them so much? What if their point of view is skewered, and their demands are unreasonable?

    Everybody’s point of view is skewered. Let’s begin with that. You should know that going in.

    To be a healer you must understand that nobody does anything inappropriate, given their model of the world.

    Does that mean that I have to accept everybody’s point of view as valid?

    It means you have to understand that it is valid for them. You have to be ready to say Nine Words That Could Heal the World:

    “I can understand how you could feel that way.”

    This is a very powerful sentence. It does not indicate that you share another person’s feelings, or agree with something they have done, but it does indicate that you can understand how they could have come to this feeling.

    That statement alone can put out huge fires.

    End of Excerpt – Neale D. W.

  21. A secret turning in us
    makes the universe turn.
    Head unaware of feet,
    and feet head. Neither cares.
    They keep turning.
    – Rumi

  22. ~~~wings to freedom~~~
    Mystic Revelations from Babaji & the Himalayan Yogis

    by Yogiraj Satgurunath Siddhanath

    ~recommended read

  23. ~~~my Ma, passed on, 14 years ago today, what i remember ov her….EVERYTHING!…she showed me unconditional love and great compassion…sacrifice and devotion, endurance and patience…she is still with me…my Ma~~~


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