making life simple

'P' asked "Shekhar, why do make life so complex. Why don't you just "be". Acceptance is beautiful once you truly understand it...keep living in the moment...." Your statement " Acceptance is truly beautiful if you understand it" is so beautifully stated. It is what I am trying to do. Understand what acceptance means and strive [...]

To see or to sense ?

Do we sense things beyond the world we construct from our 'five senses' ? I am sure we do, and there is enough scientific data to prove that. But does our reliance on our 'five senses' hinder our ability to truly sense things. Are the yogi's right when they say that we should shut out [...]

But when passion is directed positively …

Meet Wendy Chin, who's great passion is to protect the ancient mangrove forests on the coast of Langkawi in Malaysia. A business graduate with a hugely promising career in finance, Wendy found her true calling in protection of the environment. She moved to the Island of Langkawi and works ceaselessly to protect the incredible amount [...]

Dreams come true ?

Beware, dreams are just dreams, benign creatures that give you wonderful feelings of warmth in times when you need to cradle yourself to sleep till they become passions and obsessions, and develop an identity of their own, no longer in your control are you willing to watch your dreams grow into demons that do not [...]