The total amount of FDI investments in India is estimated for 2007 is $ 15 billion. And we tout that fiigure proudly - and our stock market fluctuates on any variance from that figure too. Guess what NRI"s will remitt to India in the same period ? A mind boggling $ 30 billion ! 60% [...]
Category: Point of View
The Tata Nano
It's caused a sensation all over the world, where car manufacturers looked forward to inundating the Indian consumer with their more expensive brands, only to see that an Indian co has completely stolen a march on them. Bravo Mr Tata ! But I really resent all the people that go on about the envoirnmental cost [...]
White skin, dark skin, Barak Obama
Never quite understood why the white skin has been considered superior. Or why historically white skinned people have considered themselves superior. When I was exploring a film on Nelson Mandela, I was horrified at the open statements made by the politicians of that time. They called the "darkies' , not quite human, or like children [...]
Inventor of the ‘Jaipur foot’ has passed away
In our Bollywood and Cricket obsessed media, the passing of one of the greatest Indians of our time has almost gone un-noticed. Dr P K Sethi confounded the scientific community of the world by developing a simple, affordable answer to people that had lost limbs. While the scientific community all over the world invested billions [...]
My Father, Guest Column by Horst Vollman
Dear Shekhar "the Mother" is a beautifully written ode to the eternal mother in all women. But there are also fathers out there who deserve all the love we can give to them. Here is my story: My father. When the phone call came from Germany on this gray winter morning a few days past [...]
Tata, Jaguar, Land Rover
Like all Indian's I too walk a little prouder in London with the Jaguar and Land Rover brands almost owned by Tata. But from a business point of view I am not so sure. The Jaguar brand has been struggling for decades. I owned a couple years ago and constantly had transmission problems. The jaguar [...]
JW Marriott molestation – Open Questions
I am surprised how the media is targeting the police. Without trying to question why this event happened. Like it was merely a law and order problem. What was the psychology behind 70 men treating the humiliation of two young women as spectator sport ? I am sure that it was not just group of [...]
China immigration
I landed in China expecting a long wait at immigration. Surely this must be one of the most security conscious and bureaucratic regimes in the world ? Think again. As the immigration officer stamped my passport, 4 lights came on, asking me to press one. Whether I was completely satisfied , somewhat satisfied, not satisfied [...]
Flying Kites in Tiananmen Square
Beijing is full of surprises. Walking back to Raffles Hotel I pass the walls of the Forbidden City and into Tiananmen Square and look up into the night sky. Maybe a hundred kites. Some so far into the night sky that you could see them only by their twinkling lights. Twinkling lights on a Kite [...]
Just wanted to share with a quote from my interview with the 'Australian' that is making the rounds n Australia : AS a director, Shekhar Kapur has become used to working with one of the world's most expansive mediums: cinema. But the filmmaker and activist is pondering how to tell his stories in under five [...]