I guess if you have been born to believe that you have a God given mandate to rule te world - and for the rest of the minions to be consigned to pats on their backs, or be out sourcers for your cheap goods at home, or somewhere to flood the market almost forcibly sometimes [...]
Category: Current Events
Stunning opening to the Beijing Olympics
The opening ceremony for the Beijing Olympics was the greatest show on Earth that will be hard to beat. It was the best of art, choreography, design and technology combined to create what could be one of the greatest live events ever presented on this planet. Kudos to the Chinese and if this is the [...]
Ahmedabad Blasts, who do YOU blame ?
Heard the term 'Nero fiddles while Rome burns' ? Well, replace Nero with the Indian Politicians and Rome with an India that is descending into chaos. While the Indian politicians play games with the lives of the people and horse trade between themselves to somehow, anyhow, at any cost, keep themselves in power. This year [...]
Other people on our blog ?
I have long struggled with that. Not that I wish to be the only voice, but because blogging requires commitment. If I am going to invite someone else, then they should commit to us that they will be regular. For we begin to look forward to their entries, and we look forward to discussing them [...]
Are speculators deliberately bringing the global economy to the brink ?
The last time this happened was during the Asian Currency crisis, when all the then so called 'Tiger Economies' were destroyed by speculation in their currencies. Who were these speculators ? George Sorros was definitely one of them. Who are these people that in the name of return on investment actively go out to destroy [...]
Should the Dalai Lama go to the Beijing Olympics?
Yesterday the Times of India asked me to comment on the possibility of the Dalai Lama going to the Beijing Olympics and of course, journalism being what it is in India, outrageously misquoted me. I said that the Dalai Lama should go to the Olympic, because if he did, the people of China would embrace [...]
Politicians squabble, strut, do photo ops over the bodies of dead children
So even as families are searching for their loved ones in Jaipur. Even as the nation is in a state of shock (if they can get their minds off cricket), and the grief of mothers that lost their children is not over, the Politicians have stepped in. The Rajasthan Chief Minister is claiming that the [...]
Terrorists strike in Jaipur
Will we never be free of this ? Innocents being killed in the name of political or religious gain. How does this killing of innocents help anyone ? Who was probably killed ? Families that went shopping, or to pray in the temples, or tourists that came to Jaipur from all over India. Having saved [...]
Will McCain decide between Obama and Clinton ?
Have you noticed how the Democratic party has shifted from 'Between Obama and Clinton, who will be the best next President of the United States' to 'which one of them can beat McCain' ?? Senator McCain has (as I previously predicted on this blog) come in from behind and taken advantage of the political bickering [...]
Priyanka visits Rajiv Gandhi assasination accused in prison
I was really surprised and would say moved when I read the Priyanka Vadera ( nee Gandhi) went to visit Nalini in prison- one of the accused in the assasination of Rajiv Gandhi. I have never met Priyanka nor do I know what transpired except that Nalini has made statements of how much she now [...]