Time to let go

when your soul
is telling you
it is time to
to soar
to the freedom
you were born with,

when ‘normalcy’ is nothing
but an ‘learnt’ imprisonment
of your own mind,
when you start to see
that you never were born
nor will you ever die,
but where the illusion
of life and death is not
meant to be denied
but to be celebrated
as a child does,
not looking for the next
illusory moment
but merely dancing
to rhythms
of this moment
it is time
to let go

12 thoughts on “Time to let go

  1. That’s true Shekhar a Panjabi author Sant Singh teer said ” jyon jyon pustak parda jawan wadhda jaye haner kude” means.. More I Read and get the knowledge, THE DARKNESS WITH IN gets more and more deepen. But I feel this dakness is just a begining of a journey towards light.If we admit and realize ..yes it is nothing
    but an ‘learnt’ imprisonment
    of your own mind.
    Sanjay malhotra

  2. When we allow ourselves to let go of something that we are afraid to lose, what we actually end up losing is FEAR itself and nothing else.I feel letting go is a never ending journey that we commence upon repeatedly or we cease to grow. Unless we let go off the old , how could we get aquainted to the New US. Letting go is not the end , its the beginning of something new and and new is always right now! The new dies to the ever-new in an endless celebration of Life
    We should try to see the beauty and significance of starting over – over and over and over.
    This is how it is meant to be.

  3. Thanks for the wonderful words, Shekhar. There’s a saying I read many years back that stuck with me, ‘The only way to be free is to never look for security at all.’ Our soul always knows what we want to be/do in life, and we just have to listen to that inner voice (like the Alchemist) and follow the indicators of God. The soul wants us to constantly move in the direction of our passions, and that’s what gives us true bliss.
    Thanks again,
    Himanshu – New York

  4. Soul is a religious concept. It has different interpretation in different religions as do the concepts of life and death. I am curious what you believe to be your soul? Are you religious by any chance?

  5. truly felt,the more i learn,the deeper my questions go,i darker the self becomes,the concreate the illusion becomes,my sence of i fades,i become nothing more ,but a dust in the wave.my knowlege in the self makes me just see one thing…there is no past or future,there is just a flow,and to understand that flow,is all that my dark knowledge seeks.

  6. Hi Shekhar,
    I titled this as “Love in Graveyard”
    When the day sinks and the night sets in to embrace its dark emptiness,
    I dip deep into my graveyard and start digging the grave in which “our love” — our child, sleeps quietly.
    Every night, I wake her up to kiss and cuddle,,,
    I caress her curly hair, her little, small, soft fingers, her red nose, her innocent, big eyes, her charming lips, her rounded ears…
    She smiles and laughs, sometime with me…sometime at me…
    She hugs me softly…with her little soft fingers, she wipes my tears…she kisses my forehead,
    I remember how I felt secure when she used to lean around my shoulders,
    I remember how I felt fulfilled when she used to drink my milk,
    I remember how complete I felt when she told me “mother…”
    I remember, how you feel when she called you “father”…
    We parented and orphaned our love in this grave… the grave, eternally secure in the graveyard within…
    As my night gets more and more excited while making love with darkness and silence,
    I nourish that grave with my tears…with your memories and desires…with your words…with you…
    As, the day whispers in the ears of night, I gentally cover my child with sand… she sleeps again in my graveyard to be waken up at night,
    Soon, I will accompany our child in her eternal sleep and then…

  7. yes, it is..
    Letting go doesn’t mean to stop caring.
    It means I can’t do it for someone else.
    To let go isn’t to cut myself off.
    It’s the realization that I can’t control another.
    Rather than to enable…it is to allow learning from natural consequences.
    Letting go is to admit powerlessness.
    Meaning the outcome is not in my hands.
    It is not to try to change or blame another; but knowing that I can only change myself.
    Instead of caring for, it is to care about.
    It is to be supportive instead of to fix.
    To let go is not to judge, but to allow another to be a human being.
    To allow others to effect their own outcomes, instead of being in the middle arranging all the outcomes.
    It is not to be protective but to permit another to face reality.
    To let go is not to deny but to accept.
    Not to nag, scold or argue, but rather to search out my own shortcomings and to correct them.
    To let go is not to adjust everything to my own desires but to take
    Each day as it comes and to cherish each moment.
    Not to criticize and to regulate anyone, but to try to become the dream -I can be.
    Instead of regret for the past…
    It is to grow and live for the future,
    To fear less and to love more.

  8. manas asked me if i was religious. No I am not in that I do not follow any ‘system’ of religion, but if you call my search for the true self and act of spirituality, then yes, I am spiritual. Shekhar

  9. If you love something, set it free, if it comes back it’s yours, if it doesn’t it never was”.

  10. As promised, here you go:
    She has let go…
    Maybe, she is tired…
    Maybe, she genuinely wants to move on..
    But, she has let go…
    I saw the sorrow in her eyes,
    That sense of betrayal…
    Maybe, the last hope of love
    Washed away….
    That evening when she took a dip in the Ganges…
    And, she cut all cords thereafter…
    She asked him,
    “What is my relation with you?, Tell me!”
    That sense of having been left alone
    After, a string of promises,
    Yet again…..
    The desire to move on…
    From, everything…
    Everything material,
    The desire to move on…
    So far, where no one would know her….
    Recognise her,
    Ask her questions
    Know her defeats
    Her loss…her wins.
    And, hope!
    Of a new Life…
    She has let go…

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