LOVE: It's that time of the year when everyone remembers their so-called "loved ones." They equip them with mementos, gifts, christmas parties - all in celebration of their love for one another. But, it's only fleeting. Just a few weeks of joy, mirth, and gaiety. But isn't love a bit more? Love is to let [...]
Month: November 2012
The two of me
i am jealous and greedy and angry and I hurt i love and i hate i mean well but manipulate i am confused and riddled with doubt of course i am i am after all only human and yet i long i yearn i aspire to be compassionate to be creative to be whole to [...]
Eshla : Can we imagine a world not dictated by money?
Can we imagine a world that is not dictated by money? Money makes the world go 'round, that's what we're told repeatedly. Every story I find myself covering, I find the root cause goes back to money. Follow the money trail, I've been taught, and the picture will become clearer. For a company to become [...]