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Golden Age Creative Adda | Golden Age Diary | Astrophysicist

« Wednesday 10th May, 2006 | Main | History'onics' »

May 13, 2006 | 01:42 PM

Where did time go ?

Yesterday was the first day of the shoot.
And on paper it says
I have shot for three weeks

Which is true time ?
my emotional time
or the percieved one ?

Has the world changed in the meanwhile ?
Am I like an intergalactic traveller that came back to earth
and found that time had fast forwarded ?

Am I getting confused because I have a day off ?
and don't know what to do ?

What have I shot ? Have I shot ?

Was I in control ?
Absolutely not.
Yet somehow inexorably, the film is being made.
for three weeks, apparently !

I can feel waves of admiration
followed by tidal waves of doubt
all perception of others
of my performance
on the day
my performance ?
mine ?

wish i could feel the pleasure of praise
and anger against doubt

I feel neither
just a crutch that I am holding on to
so that I do not fall off
this strange perch
on which I am so precariously balanced

on the crows nest
on top of the huge mast
of an ancient ship
that is heaving in a huge storm

I lie
every day i try and let people know
that I know
knowing I don't


2 Comments Posted. Post your comment

Dear Shekhar
I see that you are currently in Winchester – what scenes are you filming here?

Dear Shekhar

This poem moved me quite a bit. Thank you for your unwillingness to shield yourself too much.

love, Heather

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