Cisco partners conference in Bangkok

Have set up this blog as a discussion piece for participants who had many questions but there was no time to take them up.

13 thoughts on “Cisco partners conference in Bangkok

  1. Sir,
    I follow your blog but today I visited your site and found the tag line “Neither prejudiced by the past, nor in fear of the future. The moment, only the moment” that you have used in the front page of the site. I have been using this tag line from past 2 years when I created this blog. I remember searching the entire web for this tag line and the only result that would come is my blog. Now you are also using it and so some other people as well. I think google returns around 10 pages for this tag line. At one level I am very happy that you used this which showed the things which interests me interests you as well. That’s a great high for a no one like me. But on other hand, it is little saddening as anyone who will visit both the sites will surely think I picked it up from you as you are famous and successful. No one will ever think that it could be other way round also. That’s make me little sad as well…I dont know which one is the genuine emotion 🙁 …Your thoughts on this would be great

  2. i am sure we both came up with this independently Saurav, it’s line used by many mystics too and has been the tag line on my email for almost 5 years now – so don’t fret. If it is the truth then many people will come to the same conclusions, shekhar

  3. Shekar the session was as I told u pretty thought provoking. A point u made struck viz that when u went England u were quite unaware of yr heritage. It’s happened to many of us so called an urban desi. Like u many have rediscovered our cultural heritage (guess it’s also coded in somewhere) but what about the millions who haven’t.
    Rgds and best wishes

  4. Shekhar and Sourav’s exchange brings up something else.
    Do you really believe thoughts are yours? Can ‘you’ really own a thought? If so why can’t you control which one comes up next? Why can’t you think tomorrow’s thought today? Can there be time without thought, aren’t they two sides of the same coin? Can thought ever be original at all?
    What do you find if you dig a little deeper and question for whom is this thought working?
    (I don’t necessarily intend to digress from the theme of this post (Cisco), just had to share this flurry of thought.)

  5. hummm
    love this image of pure energetic formations flowing across infinity …
    looking for a home…
    like Dorothy …
    hee hee hee
    to be captured by the vulcanos …
    bing bang…
    all the way down…
    into the black hole…
    ah …
    to emerge…
    at a higher level frequency…
    like a star…
    ah …
    interesting possibilities …
    hi there…
    who is here???
    ah …
    before spending a few days with Rinpoche …
    an interview …
    without any conscious effort…
    just like that…
    ah ….
    who is visiting me???
    ah …
    God’s mysteries …
    playing with sand …
    as after all …
    we are just kiddies …
    ah …
    who said that???

  6. Sourav –neither yours nor Shekhars-why do you want to give it a name-unnamed–. It’s the universal truth. The Universal consciousness.

  7. it has been interisting exploring facebook …
    the deep compression at times …
    in this sudden awareness…
    look at this…
    I am global …
    meeting and melting …
    across infinity …
    with unexplored endless formations…
    as possibilities …
    how come…
    this sudden agony???
    ah …
    an intense image capturing me …
    like a visiting fury…
    breaking glass bottles filled with pure water against a high thick wall …
    as if …
    wanting to break free …
    in fluidity …
    that knows…
    we are limitless…
    beyond the confinements…
    of the human mind…

  8. Shekhar,
    What is your opinion on news channels in India try to westernize our values and culture ? It’s proved that this channels doesn’t care for real India but they are the obscene version of hypocrisy and villainy. Do you think that our country is still independent? Being proud of India and its culture, what are you going to do to help it besides starting a comic strip named ‘Virgin Comics’ which has stories with Indian mythology base. Why is that some Indians are working against our nation through media..? what is happening here in our country..? What is this puppetry..? when will be the sensible common man know the truth ? Why is that some ‘famous’ news anchor conducts shows which goes ‘why our women can’t wear micro mini skirts and go to market’?. What is the need for wearing micro mini skirts and going to market ? Cloth allergy ?
    “By letting it go it all gets done. The world is won by those who let it go. But when you try and try,the world is beyond the winning.” -Lao Tzu
    India let it go for centuries and it made it a colony of a lot of foreigners once. Now what we should do..? Let it go..? Let them propagate whatever they want……..?

  9. kavitha, you are asking me to explain the contents of the dream. I am asking you to question the dream itself, and find out who the dreamer is. You are pointing to human affairs, I am pointing to the nature which creates those affairs.
    Things like copyright,IP, are 21Cn developments symptomatic of an increasingly individual-centred outward movement in our consciousness, where would they be is it weren’t for either your fear of losing something, or desire to gain something? The world is a reflection of the individual eventually.
    Where did those questions leave you?

  10. First, sorry Shekhar for intruding this space you set up for another purpose. Wanna take this elsewhere?
    Deepak, my question was really triggered by your question Can thought ever be original at all? It was not one of seeking explanations of the specifics of thought, or contents of the dream as you described…but one of addressing the dichotomy around us between philosophy and living a philosophy. What good is philosophy if it cannot be reflected or integrated in our everyday living, everyday affairs? For better or for worse, we (at least many of us) are human, living in a world surrounded by very human affairs ok, divine beings, living in a divine world surrounded by very human affairs:-) …including those that drive the economic engines of the world…those reflecting the fear of losing something, or the desire to gain something.
    Can human affairs align/merge with the nature which creates those affairs in a manner that is not symptomatic of individual-centered outward movements in our consciousness? Or would that be a dream state?
    Any Cisco Partners Conference participants out there? Your views on original thought and IP protection most welcome!

  11. kavitha, all our life stories can be summarised by let’s say a ‘philosophy in action’. Being aware of it at that level apart from just acting it out, is the first step to introduce any change. And a genuine integration is not unreal. It happens all the time. The only premise for that is either an ‘unquestioned and innocent belief in a philosophy’ or a genuine enquiry taken up as a personal quest. It cannot come to the ‘concept shopping’ mind that many of the educated people enjoy today. It only stays if realised from within. Which is the reason for my persistent emphasis on an inward introspection. In case it interests you, the following is one of those rare books which deals with integrating spirituality and psychology in a way few western books do. ‘Towards a Psychology of Awakening’ by John Welwood. There is offcourse a wealth of such inputs from Vedanta or any eastern offshoot. Organised religion in effect is a roadmap for integration, which draws so much of cynicism because it remains at a conceptual level for many.
    For what its worth, In my long years that I personally worked with Cisco, I had also contributed to work which went onto being tabled for IP. I have not seen any other purpose in it apart from profiteering motive when done by corporations. I am not against it, but having seen it work at such detail levels I can say there is nothing original about it. The more detailed you get and try to find the original strain of any idea, there is always a precursor to it, always a platform of existing ideas out of which the next one takes shape. A lot of times it is about the mechanics of who gets there first. In some ways the world is trying to get organised in the business of artificially stamping originality. Again nothing wrong persay with it.
    Where did that question leave you? What is your own discovery or finding?

  12. Deepak, agreed, IP is a 21st century development…and a necessary one,I would think, with the birth of industrialization & capitalism. Without it, perhaps innovations and technology transfers from R&D environments into practical applications would never have seen light of day.
    But is it always for the fear of losing something, or desire to gain something?. Id think in a world with asymmetric levels of consciousness around the mode of wealth creation, it is an imperative (for some) and a way to DEFLECT the increasingly individually-centered outward movements of those with a desire to unscrupulously gain at the expense of another.
    The underlying intent of IP as a way to encourage and reward intellectual creativity and innovation, & protect the interests of those creating it, has been diluted over time and usurped for purposes that are detrimentally divergent from its original intent in many cases. The notion of IP has degenerated into an unscrupulous activity (eg: And pharmaceutical multinationals are dinosaurs at this! The case that jumps to mind is the one around US attempts to patent neem and turmeric around the mid-nineties. Much of Indian wisdom traditions like yoga, ayurveda or for that matter any vedic thoughts, until recently, have been undocumented wisdom for millennia, transferred verbally from generation to generation. Protection of such intangible, intellectual heritage through appropriate mechanisms whether it is called IP or something else would be necessary — not for fear of losing it or gaining from it, but to retain its altruistic nature. To make sure it remains in public domain and freely available for the welfare of humanity, and not for monopolistic [mis]appropriation & exclusive profit making to the point of stifling resources at the very source of such traditional knowledge.
    Profit-maximization devoid of fairness principles is institutionalized robbery and piracy! Surely, protection against institutionalized piracy of indigenous thoughts and wisdom is far from being individually-centered.
    What would it take for things like IP, copyrights and patents to revert to their original purpose of sparking true innovation and creativity vs. exploitation of world resources? Or is that a dream state? 🙂
    Interesting reads:

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