The illusory force of Gravity :Newton and the apple

When Newton perceived the apple fall to the ground and proposed the principles of Gravity, why did he assume that the apple fell to the ground and not that the earth and everything else was pulled towards the apple ? It is perfectly plausible the other way round too as the earth is not a solid structure but a mass of particles that ‘seemingly’ bind together to give the illusion of a solid mass. Similarly we keep thinking about light and other particles being pulled into ‘Black Holes” – why do we not see that as the smallest particles also pulling the black holes towards them ? Why do we imagine such ‘movements’ towards ‘objects’ that we imagine to have a greater mass and therefore greater gravity ? Partly because the concept of ‘distance’ is perhaps an imagined and perceived illusion. Effectively in modern particle physics and in what my uneducated mind understands from the string theory, there is no distance between anything as all is effectively part of an all encompassing ecosystem. Even the theory of Dark Matter seems to be saying the same thing. So how can the idea of gravity be proved at all if there is no ‘distance’. Any physicists out there ?

29 thoughts on “The illusory force of Gravity :Newton and the apple

  1. Firstly APPLE story is owned by Sir Issac Newton and not Archimedes, Archimedes is better known for Buoyancy.
    And secondly ” Similarly we keep thinking about light and other particles being pulled into ‘Black Holes” “, very recent developments state otherwise, even Stephen Hawking admitted Black Holes might not the ultimate dead ends.

  2. Dear Shekhar,
    This is a very interesting question as gravity does work in both directions, just that the small object seems to fall on to or get attracted towards the bigger one – I think it is more of perception or the fact that the smaller object’s gravitational force is infinitesimal compared to force exerted on it. I have to do much more research to understand if distance is truly an illusion and do all objects have this nonlocal correlation. I am posting some relevent interesting material.
    String theory is a still-developing mathematical approach to theoretical physics, whose original building blocks are one-dimensional extended objects called strings. Unlike the point particles in quantum field theories like the standard model of particle physics, strings interact in a way that is almost uniquely specified by mathematical self-consistency, forming an apparently valid quantum theory of gravity.
    A theory of everything (TOE) is a putative theory of theoretical physics that fully explains and links together all known physical phenomena. Initially, the term was used with an ironic connotation to refer to various overgeneralized theories. For example, a great-grandfather of Ijon Tichy — a character from a cycle of Stanis?aw Lem’s science fiction stories of 1960s — was known to work on the “General Theory of Everything”. Physicist John Ellis claims[1] to have introduced the term into the technical literature in an article in Nature in 1986.[2] Over time, the term stuck in popularizations of quantum physics to describe a theory that would unify or explain through a single model the theories of all fundamental interactions of nature.
    There have been many theories of everything proposed by theoretical physicists over the last century, but none have been confirmed experimentally. The primary problem in producing a TOE is that the accepted theories of quantum mechanics and general relativity are hard to combine.Based on theoretical holographic principle arguments from the 1990s, many physicists believe that 11-dimensional M-theory, which is described in many sectors by matrix string theory, in many other sectors by perturbative string theory is the complete theory of everything. Other physicists disagree.
    GREAT INTERVIEW WITH A QUANTAM PHYSICIST (talks about the illusion of distance)
    MISHLOVE: A term that I keep hearing is quantum interconnectedness, and the notion that separability doesn’t exist — that somehow all is one, the way the mystics used to say it.
    HERBERT: Yes. There is a peculiar feature in quantum theory called quantum interconnectedness, and it was discovered right when quantum theory was discovered. It was found that in the quantum description of two objects, when two objects briefly interact and then you pull them apart, in the description at least they never come apart; there’s a kind of stickiness that connects them together, so they’re bound together forever in the theory. They never separate, even though they’re not interacting anymore. It was thought that this was just a theoretical artifact; it was nothing that existed in the real world. Physicists noted it, said this is very strange, and then they promptly forgot about it for about fifty years. But recently, due to something called Bell’s theorem, new interest has been rekindled in this interconnectedness. Bell’s theorem proves that this connection is not a theoretical artifact, but actually exists in the real world.
    MISHLOVE: I should mention for the benefit of our viewers, Nick, that you are probably one of the world’s foremost authorities on Bell’s theorem; that’s what you specialized in. Bell’s theorem seems like the crack in the cosmic egg, in a way; it’s the one part of quantum physics that’s almost turned everything upside down.
    HERBERT: One of my claims to fame is that I have produced the shortest proof of Bell’s theorem in existence. It’s about three lines.
    MISHLOVE: Now, Bell’s theorem, as I understand it, goes back even prior to Bell — to Einstein, and Einstein’s disagreement with quantum physics, back in the early days. He made his classic statement, “God doesn’t play dice with the universe,” at a time when Einstein himself felt he disagreed with quantum physics, as I understand it. He felt that if quantum physics were true, it would have these horrendous implications which it now turns out are true.
    HERBERT: Yes, Einstein was never comfortable with quantum theory, and he basically had three gripes with it. The one gripe was that quantum theory is a probabilistic theory. It just describes things like the world is essentially random and governed only by general laws that give the odds for things to happen, but within these odds anything can happen — that God plays dice. Einstein didn’t like that, but he could have lived with that. The second aspect that Einstein didn’t like was the thinglessness, this fuzzy ambiguity — that the world isn’t made of things, it’s not made of objects. It was put by Paul Davies — the notion that somehow big things are made of little things. Quantum theory doesn’t describe the world that way. Big things aren’t made of little things; they’re made of entities whose attributes aren’t there when you don’t look, but become there when you do look. Now, that sounds very, very strange.
    MISHLOVE: Like an illusion.
    HERBERT: Like an illusion, yes.
    MISHLOVE: Or the Hindu concept of Maya, something like that.
    HERBERT: That’s right. The world exists when we don’t look at it in some strange state that is indescribable. Then when we look at it, it becomes absolutely ordinary, as though someone were trying to pull something over our eyes — the world is an illusion. Einstein didn’t like that. He felt that the big things were made of little things, as the classical physicists thought.
    MISHLOVE: The Newtonian view of billiard-ball-like particles — that if you could only understand the momentum and position of each one, you could predict everything in the universe.
    HERBERT: Everything in the universe, yes, a comfortable sort of view.
    MISHLOVE: You mentioned three things that Einstein objected to; then there must be one more.
    HERBERT: Well, the third thing is this interconnectedness. Einstein said the world cannot be like this, because this interconnectedness goes faster than light. With this quantum interconnectedness, two objects could come together, meet, and then each go into the universe, and they would still be connected. Instantaneously one would know what the fate of the other one was. Einstein said, now that can never be; that’s like voodoo — in fact, he used the word — it’s like telepathy, he said; he said it’s spooky, it’s ghostlike. Almost his last words in his biography were, “On this I absolutely stand firm. The world is not like this.” He died in ’55, and ten years later Bell showed that the world must be like this. It’s kind of ironic. Bell himself said, “My theorem answers some of Einstein’s questions in a way that Einstein would have liked the least.”
    MISHLOVE: And Einstein created a very strange picture of the universe as it is, almost time travel, in his theory of relativity.
    HERBERT: Yes, but even Einstein’s mind wouldn’t go this far, to accept these instant connections, which now we believe really must exist in the universe.
    MISHLOVE: The notion of instant connections almost implies that space itself is an illusion.
    HERBERT: Yes, that distance is an illusion.
    MISHLOVE: That distance is an illusion — that you and I and our viewers and the chair are all somehow intimately connected with the most distant part of the galaxy.
    HERBERT: Yes, that we’re all in one place, that there aren’t any places.
    MISHLOVE: And the notion the mystics sometimes say, that you and I, we’re not really separate individuals, but at a deeper level we’re like fingers; we’re all connected. Or we’re like islands connected. There’s that sense of connectedness as well. . .
    Best Regards,

  3. Dear Shekhar
    This is precisely what Einstein tried to reason out in his General theory of relativity.But he hit a roadblock as he could not explain everything what gravity does…..Then came the special theory of relativity….then came the experiments on light the warping of time and space…….What you are asking has progressed way beyond to the big-bang and so on but….the quantum theory and relativity are not able to reconcile and there now comes the string theory…

  4. distance is the result of mass moving per unit of time. The findamental problem is that we really do not know what mass is —thats why we are still looking for the Higgs particle as what does the moving. But any thing that occupies space and time per Einstein’s very successful general relativity theory must be space-time entangled –meaning it must spin and vibrate constantly. So mass also has to be a spin/vibration surface quality not a volume quality — and it all hurts our head too much! Retired physicist Frank Morgan, Wizard of OZ

  5. Shekharji, hope you are doing well. You might be aware about the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the experiment currently happening in Europe, which bears relevance to the topic of this discussion. Please also check-out: If everything goes well with the LHC experiment, the outcome could answer some of your questions. If not we could all end-up in a modern day “Black Hole” created by man 🙂

  6. Sir,
    I have had to take a quick Physics Lesson from my Daughter’s (PhD in Physics) Tutor.
    In any ecosysytem the centre of mass will conserve. The Centre of Mass of Apple and the Centre of Mass of Earth will lie in their own masses.But the centre of Mass of combined Apple and Earth will lie very near to the centre of Mass of the bigger body (Earth).
    So the distance covered by Apple is visible when you percieve it while on Earth. But when you are in another system the gravitational movement is so negligible and hence not visible.
    To explain more simply is the example of two parallel trains running in same direction at same speed. There’s no movement visible for people riding in the train.
    Gravity as explained by him is:
    1. Gravitation Force between two bodies of any size however small or big is EQUAL.
    2. Force = Mass x Acceleration
    3. Bigger the Mass minimum is the acceleration.
    4. So all particles with smaller masses will move (illusion)towards the bigger mass.
    5. As the Mass grows denser the volume decreases and gravitational force increases.
    6. This will result in such high gravitational force that it will attract and absorb light and there will no relection hence the ilusion of becoming invisble which is known to us as Black Hole.
    I hope this has thrown some light on gravity.
    Vinod Agarwal – trying to be a resourceful producer.

  7. Hello Mr.Shekar,
    i think you have gravity towards science lately,why so ,it puzzles me?
    Anyway i am not a physcist but there are few fundamentals in Physics that apply to universe which we think are the only ones,but no.Gravity is a rate of change of force between masses seperated by a purticular distance .but the definition says they are exerting forces towards each other and both may either move towards or away from each other.Newtons law-III does not apply here ,as in universe two masses have effect on each other and result in another effect.Imagine Sun and Earth have lost gravity or attraction towards each other,then both will move tangentially opposite and away from each other,because they both are (rotating)spinning masses ;in normal conditions they are actually attarcted towards each other by rotation and they maintain a distance between each other as they cancel the centrifugal and centripetal forces which give a resultant force which makes a purticular orbit for Earth (with respect to sun)and for Sun all the planets ,asteroids and masses that are in Solar system efect the rotation and revolution of SUN on its Orbit called Zodiac.
    Black Holes are just holes in Universe with borders,to imagine its difficult with these words.Just think of a doughnut ,it has a hole in it,but the batter mass is a cylinder with ends connected ,i mean like a ring ,a solid form.In the same way Black holes are alien spaces(outside) of universe,where you can see the walls of the universe. So Universe is like a dougnut(,may have holes more than one) .
    Distance and gravity are directly proportional (as defined as the rate of change of force).if there is no (rate of change of) distance then no gravity.Time also depends on rate of change of distance distance,as even time is defined in distance,its defined in oscillations of caesium atom.Distance is important impotant fundamental quantity as mass and time; and these always depend on each other.

  8. Dear Shekhar,
    Almost wrote
    Dear Archimedes …
    a cross over of some kind …
    as if captured by an Archimedes string passing by …
    specially …
    in the little that I know …
    except that I love flying…
    which I do often in my dreams…
    oh yes …
    my dream a few nights earlier…
    flying at an exceptionally high speed … around a string with a resonance I know well – the power of the desert .. where I was asked to help a child dying of thirst ……
    at times coming down literally like a rocket …
    wondering whether I was in danger of crushing down …
    to find myself turning and twisting in a protected area as practice for the mastering of skills…
    aware of my fear to fly above the ocean and over high mountains … where I would have no guarantees …
    After reading your post I felt curious …

    Then I dreamt of being somewhere in space and hearing the words “Focus intently on this resonance … a divine call – seeking itself – in unity …
    I did not really know what it meant … but decided to read about the different theories highlighted in your posting … to realize how paradoxical they become …
    as if offering pieces of a puzzle .. that keeps escaping human comprehension …
    like divine seeds… unfolding in different shapes, forms and possibilities…
    depending on the lenses we use and the voltage we tap into …
    I felt asleep this afternoon and heard a voice saying “Follow the string …”
    oh I loved reading about the strings … symbolically seen as spiritual threads binding together all of existence like the threads of a necklace binding together all the pearls …
    I felt enriched by the imagery of seeing everything being connected as strings of a guitar floating in space.. Playing different musical notes … where I can hear “Gods” symphony … here on earth ..
    pulled by particles that transmit forces while others make up matter …
    how exquisite …
    as above .. so below …
    where nothing is ever wasted …
    oh yes .. the concept of the black hole …
    created by the gravitational collapse of large stars as they burn all of its hydrogen …
    with a gravitational power so strong light cannot escape …
    and yet …
    as I understood it, at some point a particle gets tossed out into its opposite direction and a new star is born …..
    I know that this is a child‘s play and yet it offered me glimpses of a universal wisdom seeking itself in unity – a voice of hope …
    and here comes a divine joke …
    As I turned and twisted my brains trying to make some sense of these very complex scientific theories I received an unexpected email from someone who led me to Saibaba Ashram a few years ago…
    A group of six devotees had come to have darshan of Swami from Australia. Swami called them for a private interview.
    During the normal course of the talk, Swami looked at one of the devotees and asked —
    “Why did you come now? Your mother is not well. She needs you there back in Australia”.
    He replied saying– “Yes Baba, I called home yesterday night and this news was conveyed to me. I pray for her early recovery.”
    Baba replied —
    “Go home soon. She is asking for you. In fact go home now.”
    So saying, Baba created a map of the world with the wave of the hand. He spread it on the wall and the following conversation took place: —
    BABA : “Where is Australia in this map?”
    Devotee: “Here, Baba.” (Pointing to the map).
    Baba touched it and the world map changed into an Australian map!!!
    BABA : “Where in Australia do you say?”
    Devotee: “New South Wales, Baba.” (Pointing to the map).
    Baba touched it and the Australian map changed into the map of New South Wales.
    BABA : “Where in New South Wales do you say?”
    When the devotee mentioned the place, Baba touched it and the chart changed to show all the apartments in the area.
    Then Baba touched the house in which the man was staying and lo! the wall of the interview room became the door of the devotee’s home. Baba opened
    the door and showed the man his mother sleeping on the sofa. Baba called the man and asked him to go in and closed the door. He rubbed his hands on the
    door and the door became the wall of the interview room again!
    Later when the Australians came out of the interview room, only five came out instead of the six who went in. The students of Prashanthi Nilayam campus saw this & later they called back the man who was sent to Australia, an hour later, who confirmed his ‘ safe arrival’!!!
    Baba said that —
    “Time and space exist only in the worldly plane. In the divine plane there is no time and space. I can easily cross time and space as and when I want to. That experience of the Australian crossing space to reach Australia from the interview room was my leela to show you that it is possible for me
    to do that if necessary. Time and space hold no barrier for GOD.”
    I find the syncronicity hilarious …
    and yet I feel stunned by the impact that in following the string I am able to see how inside of me lives a Jesus, a Buddha, a Mohammed, a Saibaba and every saint that ever lived … as much as a Hitler, a Idi Amin and every dark force on earth …
    A reflection on duality governing all of creation .. the formless permeating all of creation…like invisible strings … seeking to be manifested into new shapes and forms…
    where I hear the plea of desert mystical children …
    wanting to dissolve …
    into unity and wholeness…
    through the black hole …
    in consciousness with the poles of duality …
    the harmonizing factor and essential component
    vibrating at the high level of speed …
    like strings of Gods symphony …
    connecting us all …
    through the alchemical power of so called “mystical love” …
    the perfume …
    following me …
    whereever I am …
    Thank you for the reminder …

  9. Hi Shekhar,
    I think its about the size and influence. We always assume the smaller object is inferior and has a size disadvantage and hence is the one that moves.
    Goes for Earth and Blackholes.
    How about comparing this with a thirsty traveler and a well. How about a well attracting us towards it rather than we trying to find one !
    Nice post BTW 🙂

  10. Shekharrrrrrrrrrr mere two comments in ur previous blog block kyu kiyaaaaaaaaa?
    Bahoo desh nikala?
    Koizen ko bhi hi bola tha waha par…

  11. Gravity is not about pulling or attracting things. Idea of gravity according to general theory of relativity is advanced form of gravity from Newtonian idea of gravity (puling/attracting things).
    From Galileo – Newton – Einstein…classical to quantum physics, quantum theory to string theory are evolved state of physics or science.
    Leaning toward Meta physics and inserts philosophical assumption in to physics, depending on concept like Maya, etc are not scientific enough to view things.
    Again romanticism toward modern physics also can be boomerang to anyone.

  12. That is a mighty question. First of all, Newton was just another from the majority who operate from a premise of the world being external.
    As you have rightly observed, there are no ultimate answers to manifestation at a level of scientific formulae. Beyond a point, the object dies and the subject begins.
    The string theory is like 1st standard stuff compared to the wisdom of the ancient seers who, through their realized oneness with all manifestation, could expound the mechanisms at the deepest levels and simplify it for the commoners. Our bodies are constantly flashing in and out of existence since the bodies are made of photons just like pictures on a screen. Similiarly, the frequency of this flashing is adjusted for our coherence.
    The seers had found a relation between gravity and ego..and as such levitation is also linked to loss of ego.
    We are in a controlled environment, which is to say that it is not chaotic, and the advent of scientific theories is designed to be progressively coherent as per past patterns. So, even though there could be countless perspectives, it is designed such that the collective consciousness is quite akin in thought and theories. And that is why, by design, Newton had no choice but to go with his existing mental patterns at the time.
    Theories on creation have extended to great lengths involving all kinds of things. But the reality, as expressed by the sages, is the deepest sense of grounding where coherence is maximised to an extent of non-thought spontaneity and all manifestation is reduced to nothingness, even birth and death.

  13. Mew mew Shekhar muje ye yaad nahi rehta ki aaj meneh brush kiya ya nahi aap previous comments repost karne ko keh rahein hai!!
    Errm rehne doh…kuch aise bol rahi thi waha…
    back from exile etc etc,
    blaming politicians ke bajaye lets ask folks solutions etc etc.
    Hiya Koizen black cat of da class is back etc etc
    meeeeww eeew!!
    Thank you for the effort ye took to respond, your care is appreciated shekhar!
    Many hug bugs i leave behind…
    eh hehe!!
    ‘SCratCH sCRAAtch!’

  14. Shekharji,
    I was confused as my comments were not published or gawd…blocked by site admin?
    I did not write anything bad…(though my knowledge of astrophysicists is not good). But, If by mistake I have typed something not specific to the given topic, I sincerely apologise to you and admin (The censor board Chief Exe!)
    Destiney Queen —> welcome back! so you’ve taken my apologies sportingly and nice to hear from you. By the way did you kidnap yourself?
    Ok Shekharji, from now onwards, I will comment specific answers and think well before I type. Am I welcomed in this community? (Shekharji I am smiling just like you now) heh!
    Good day to you!

  15. Shekhar,nice one.Debating it within the realm of classical physics,in short,the earth falls up as much as the apple falls down.To use perceived direction and movement as a proof of gravity’s existence is not entirely correct.
    This debate nicely brings about the role of our ego which interprets the earth as stationary and that all external events(Sunrise,comet collisions) ‘happen’ to us.
    Enter Metaphysics.

  16. thank u Em Posts, and Koizen, your comments were probably accidentally deleted – for every valed comment there are at least 50 junk comments – mostly promoting porn sites – so it is quite a job for me to sift through that every time (yes I do it myself), so sometimes other comments get accidentally deleted – so I keep asking everyone to send their comments again in they are not seen on the site within 36 hours max,, shekhar

  17. GooOOod Morning Shekhar………
    Oyiiii Poison OOops ‘Koizen’ admin sahab ka zaloos niklate hai eh heh!! WiCked!!
    Apology kyu dena Koizen? Humme yu sharminda na karein aap…aapke saath hunsna acha laga tha…
    psst: i have bad command over hindi/english grammar pls dont get confused if my feminine/masculine gender etc etc gets to read like khichri…
    Shekhar ki bhi taange khainchti rehti hu, ab shareef aadmi apni izzat and status ka khayal rakhein ya mere saath apna bheja kharab karein…is liye torpedo ka aim idhar udhar shift ho hi jaata hai Lool!!
    Na jee, khudko kidnap kya karein, kidnap karne waale kar jaate hai…daaman mein aandhi chor chale jaate hai…
    Kaise ho Koizen, story kaha pahunchi jo aap likh rahein theh…aacha the sahab story writer hai…
    Grtt to know…
    Take care Shekhar n Koizen

  18. PSSSt SHekhar
    Porno sites promo thub ateh hai jab aap aise sites visit karte hai…
    Mew mew…mew mewww
    Meneh kuch bola? nahi tho…
    eh heh!!
    Hmmm smile dekh rahi hu…and that look …dq kisi din u will get a piece of mah mind…
    deh hi dijiye piece of ya mind, mera bheja waise hi kamm hai!!!

  19. Dear Shekhar,
    Time and distance as appears to “me” are only there when I am in “no action” and separated from the “whole”.
    And there is the paradox.
    How can I learn about a syatem without knowing what goes on inside, if I am separated to become an “observer”?

  20. Very Interesting! Say suppose at a given point of time two apples are dropped, one is dropped on one end of the planet and the other on exactly opposite side of the planet, then what?
    Both the apples will appear to move towards the planet.

  21. Ah … had a good giggle about some of these entries …
    my detective ignited … “what is this language???what is this entry saying??? till I picked up the in between words …
    did I read porno???
    is this an indian word with a different meaning???
    nope …
    but then …
    here in dear Shekhar’s site???
    oh …
    let me read it again …
    yes … it reads p- o- r- n-o …
    to eventually break into laughter …
    knowing my pattern of selective thinking when it comes to these matters …
    even if I could tell some weird stories about it …
    oh yes … just to let you know how brilliantly I have been experiencing the black hole and strings theory in my practice – coach and trainer …
    yesterday I run a seminar in a goverment organization … for the team of an executive client who has gone through the mill .. leading a project in a very violent industry …as a political head …
    I had it all structured in a “light version” with the intention of contributing to a high level chemistry in a very dense environment …
    to end up in such depth (like I am often told – I cannot escape from it …as if written in my head) .. explaining the theories as I got it and how to strnghten the vibration of the particle trapped in the black hole .. so strong .. ligth cannot escape …
    until through the power of an absolute focus on the embodiment of a high level chemistry the particle is tossed out into its opposite direction and a new star is born…
    saying it with such powerful intention my pen was thrown acoss the room as we all laughed …
    interisting element is that I was dealing with grass roots individuals and yet they loved it … seeing their role not only in their work enviroment but as contributers to a better world …
    as they choose to hold the flame and be that particle that will contribute to the decay of the black hole in teh world …
    one african man told me afterwards “you brought tears to my eyes…”
    as I was leaving my eyes crossed with one of the leaders of the violent industry who had come to a meeting with my client …
    we held each others eyes for a few seconds wondering if this is a string I need to follow and work with leaders of the violent industry …
    where many have died and continue to die …
    attracting me in its potential of transformaiton and healing …
    so thank you … it was really fun …
    specially as I twisted and tossed my brains on sunday …
    following a string I had never explored before in this shape …
    and yet where paradoxically I am now at home …
    giggling about the way it found me … as if glued to it .. with no escape …
    the voice of the irratinal I have learned to trust …
    oh …
    delicious …

  22. Nice to know that you guys are venturing into scientific mystery.
    It does take a restless mind to unravel the truth; In normal course if an apple had fallen on my head, if I had been born before Newton… I would have probably eaten it and said… “thank you god… teri full kripa!”
    We really have to link up gravity to the full balance created by God/evolution/the big bang.
    If were not for gravity, electrons would not be zipping in a molecule. And if it were not for the perfect balance, all planets, which are hanging on to the path of their trajectory would start colliding and ending our creation.
    However some gravity defying phenomenon are equally compelling; like the attraction between two individuals or a bird defying the laws of nature and trying to fly higher and higher…
    In a way gravity can explain so much of our planetry system. Yet one thing I have always tried to understand but find it a most interesting mystery– that there has been some expalanation for gravity… but what about accelaration?
    Which huge force made our planets rotate and revolve??????
    Maybe that holds the key for understanding existence…

  23. Just learned about your website sir after listening to Deepak Chopras’ show.
    I was thinking about this gravity problem too. How is it that a plant grows toward the sun always, that is like the sun is pulling it forward?
    This is going against concept of gravity is it not? It’s almost like the larger body, the sun, is pulling us forward rather then raining down upon us like gravity.
    Thank you.

  24. Hey I just saw Mr. India day before, I love that movie one of my childhood favorites.
    I just wanted to say Magambo Khush hua, you do make me think about on unthought things.

  25. Dear Mr. Shekar Kapur,
    The organisers of the Zagreb Film Festival to be held from 19-25 October 2008 want to screen the movie ‘Masoom’ (1983). Please advise whom they should contact for the purpose so that we can inform them accordingly.
    An early reply is requested.
    SC Khurana
    Second Secretary
    Embassy of India
    Kulmerska 23 A
    10000 Zagreb (CROATIA)

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